
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Spring time in Frankfurt!!!

Finally, SPRING is here~
Issit just me or has it been a super long winter?

I'm so sick of packing my trench coat, winter jacket, long johns, hot water bottle and other "keep me warm" stuff in my luggage -_-

Moi and my colleague, Ben were walking along a small town in Frankfurt when he pointed to this tree and exclaimed "Ahhhhh, Spring is here cos the cherry trees have blossomed!!"Moi just looked at him blankly and then back at the tree.

"You do know these are cherry trees right?" Ben asked

Moi: "WHAT????? Your mean these are cherry blossom tress??"
Then i said the most spastic thing:
"But Cherry Blossom trees can only be found in Japan mah!"

I swear i saw Ben rolled his eyes Accordingly to my colleague, Ben, Cherry blossoms can be FOUND in many countries (and not JUST in Japan). They comes in either white, pinky white or pink flowers. It will blossom between March to April to signify the first sign of spring and probably last for one or two weeks, after which the flowers will fall? and leaves will appear.
Note: these information are all from Ben so dun quote moi.

Alright! Just to satisfy my curiosity as well as yours. I shall do a wikipedia search.

wikipedia search: cherry blossom
Cherry Blossoms is one of the oldest and largest international marriage agencies still in operation today. It was established in 1974 as a picture catalog, but has now switched entirely to a web-based format.

Huh?!?! That doesn't look right?
Let's try again...

wikipedia search: cherry blossom aka sakura
Surprisingly, there wasn't much mention abt Cherry blossom, other than it has a short life span (one week plus and minus depending on the climate) and when/where is the best time to view the cherry blossom in Japan.

Oh well, guess u guys hv to do your own research huh

Change this photo of moi to black/white photo to get the rustic n artistic look!
Super 60s look....Hah~
Close up of the cherry blossom flowers~
Not a very good quality shot though, it was like a 5times zoom
(hey, you can expect moi to climb up the tree just to get a close up huh?)
Other then my first encounter with cherry blossoms in Frankfurt, there wasn't much other exciting stuff to blog about.

Moi did went to the market and bought not ONE bunchNOT TWOBUT THREE BUNCH of Radish for TomHe absolutely loves these radish! I don't think it's available in Singapore yet.
Anything to make my baby happy!!

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