
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

flying up to Abu Dhabi!

Moi is the midst of writing up my long overdue Cape Town blog... I was there on Valentine's day and now is almost June. Cape Town is truly an amazing place and moi took tons and tons of photos to show you guys... Was thinking that i could post it by today but guess i was too ambitious..

With nothing to post, moi shall write about my upcoming trip to Abu Dhabi. Kinda excited about it cos its moi's first time there. Did a wikipedia search earlier on and found out the following facts:

1. Abu Dhabi is the CAPITAL of United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Its funny cos i always think that Dubai is the capital of UAE.
i am so wrong~

2 The average net worth for Abu Dhabi's 420,000 citizens is AED 62 million (US$17 million), and more than $1 trillion is invested worldwide in this city alone.
These citizens are all freaking millionaires leh!!

3. Abu Dhabi is the RICHEST city in the world (no, it's not Dubai)
Yesh!! becos it provide one-tenth of the planet's oil

Took the picture from wikipedia.. It's the skyline of Abu Dhabi..
Issit just me or does it look pretty similar to Singapore's skyline?
The bummer is probably the weather there right now...
just check the 5 days weather forecast and
OMG! its a high of 42 DEGREES!!!
Im gonna be so baked~


Anonymous said...

SIA bans work-related matters on personal blogs
Airline will take action against employees who post work-related text or photos on Internet.
Fri, May 30, 2008
my paper
WRITING about or posting photos about work on your personal blog is out of the question, said Singapore Airlines. SIA, which has revealed to the public a part of its employee blogging and Internet usage guidelines, has clearly said that action would be taken against employees who violate this clause in its guidelines.

This was in reply to a post on citizen media website Stomp,which showed its employees - male and female cabin crew - posing for pictures which were splashed on their personal pages on popular social networking site Facebook.
In the past week, SIA has also had to deal with one of its employees writing a tell-all blog, which was picked up by the local media.

A spokesman for SIA said, in an e-mail: "Singapore Airlines requires its employees to not post comments about work related issues on their personal blogs."

The posting of images of the Airline's logo, aircraft and trademark, pictures of the Airline's training facilities or equipment, and materials detailing internal work processes, and safety and security measures are also not allowed.

"This is to protect the privacy of customers and staff who will not have consented to their images or interactions with us being published."

The SIA spokesman added that action would be taken against individulas who violate the guidelines. Human resource practitioners my paper spoke to said that while SIA's move is timely, there has generally been a lack of proper guidelines for employees' Internet activities among local companies.

Mr Victor Lai, 38, the head of business development and operational efficiency at HR consulting firm Achieve, said:
"There are just far too many avenues on the Internet that may possibly be abused by employees. There should bemore monitoring by the bosses."

"Also, there should be more education by the employers to ensure their employees understand the consequences of their conduct."

Mr Josh Goh, 34, of staffing and HR consultancy company GMP, agreed: "From what I've seen, most guidelines that local companies have may be too vague. These management need to look into phrasing specific clauses so as to prevent misunderstanding."

SIA isn't the first organisation here that has had to deal with such postings by its employees. In another incident recently, which was also posted on Stomp, a police national serviceman was found to be posing with firearms and handcuffs in a photo on his Facebook account.

A police spokesman had said in an e-mail then that "investigation has been initiated against the national serviceman".

Anonymous said...

With the rise of blogging in general, as opposed to sharing between friends in private or writing a personal diary, there is a justifiable concern from companies that 'corporate' information gets out.

However there's a fine line between what constitutes corporate information and personal information. In a place like Singapore, where employee protections are weak (read practically non-existent) it's probably prudent to ensure most blogging made keeps vague on corporate items, and focuses merely on things occurring on personal time.

Taking photos and posting sensitive information is also much more likely to become an issue, than if only 'occasional' mention is made of work items. Using common sense is always preferred.

Besides, nothing to prevent one from writing about things after one has left the employ of the company, although this might be years after the incidents occur :)
