
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Party time!

Went partying with my frens at St James Power house last Wednesday. It was Ladies night and Power house is giving out 5 drink coupons to all the ladies!!

The privilege of being a woman!!
Woo hoo~

It's been awhile since moi went clubbing and i have every intention of getting myself drunk!

A tower of Tiger Beer! Courtesy of my buddy, Darren.
Our favourite!! Tequila shots!!
Shiok! In fact we had two rounds of Tequila shots....Thanks to the free ladies coupons
Im sure we're not suppose to share our drinks with the guys but what the heck! When you're starting to feel abit high (alright, it was just me feeling high) u dun really care about stuff like thisI think moi had a few drinks too many and started proclaiming my love for Lily and Jany.
And Tom obviously.
Lily say she loves me too!! Hee
We love each other.....
Tom and Moi making faces!
Tried to take a photo of the guys in my drunk state and failed...
They are totally wasted too!!I think Lily and Jany were the most sane by the time the night was over.

Me totally cant remember much. Thanks to a couple of beer, 2 vodka cranberry, 1 gin& tonic, 2 tequila shots, 1 Bourbon coke, a jug of Long island tea, a jug of Screwdriver and a jug of "CANT REM WHAT"

Had a terrible hangover the next day. Blah.
But totally worth it...Ha

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