
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm lookin' in your big brown eyes~

Moi was browsing thru the fashion magazine when i came across this advertisment.
The ACUVUE Define in Brown - Contact lens that makes your pupils appear larger
I know this has been in the market for a pretty long time, but this sets me thinking:
WTF do i have to make my pupils larger? Does it makes any differences at all?

Oh Boy, am i so wrong.
BIGGER pupils are definitely better....

An article that i google search mentioned that people with larger pupils are considered more physically attractive (and more friendly) than are smaller, contracted pupils.


The article stated that a survery was conducted whereby a group of people was shown two photographs of the same woman, the only difference being that the pupils size of the second photograph were altered to make them appeared larger.

The verdict? almost 90% of the group said that the lady in the second photograph appeared more attractive. (Bear in mind that we are talking about the SAME target photos here!)

Amazing huh!

We're not comparing different people with different pupil sizes and concluding that those with larger pupils are seen as more attractive than those with smaller pupils. It's the same woman here!

fyi, the article also mentioned that the pupils of our eyes dilate and grow larger when we see someone whom we're totally attracted to. Its almost like our eyes wanna get bigger so that we could see the person better. Therefore you can often tell if a person is attracted to you by observing their pupils, and noting whether they expand or contract when they are looking at you. Note for couples: sure proof way to tell whether your partner still finds you attractive.

This sure brings a new meaning to the saying "i like what i see"
*large pupils* @-@

Of cos, when the pupils contract, it likely means that the person is totally not attracted to you, but actively DISLIKES you. (or when light is shining into your eyes!)

Arm with this interesting article, i conclue that
" MOI WANNA HAVE BIGGER PUPILS TOO!!!"Nay, this is the original size of my pupil!

Gonna get my hands on the new Acuvue Define. Hope to post a picture of moi wearing them soon and you guys can then judge for yourself how accurate the article is.

Hey Tom! why is your pupil contracting!!!!! Grrrrr.....

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

I tried these kinds of lens before I think its more drying to the eyes compared to the normal out the pics once u wear them leh..I looking forward to seeing them.cheers!