
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Happy Birthday, Lily!!!

*hoots and cheers*

Yupz, today is my bestest bestest friend birthday!!!
If you could still call us BFF (Best Friends Forever)

Hey, Lily..if you are reading this, this bloggie is especially for you...Hear goes:

Lily and moi knew each other since our secondary school days (back in year 1992). Heck! we even went to the same polytechnic and studied the same course (which is borrring Accountancy..more stories on that later...). It's also a coincidence that we shared the same surname. We used to try to convince everyone else that we are sisters. So funny~

So there we were, two thirteen years old girl against the world. We became closer when we were fifteen years old. She's the funny, outgoing, loveable and street smart kinda girl while moi was the total opposite i.e ultra quiet, blur and naive girl (I'm serious!). Its so funny how two such opposite persons can be so close. Maybe opposites do attract!

I remembered when we were in secondary school, she cut her fringe short and i followed her style. When she started the trend of tucking the school shirt in and folding up the skirt so that they look shorter, i wanna be like her too! She introduced moi to Louis Vuitton, MCM, Chantel Thomass, Sonia Rykiel, Ferrogamo, Burberry and many more!!

She's the best friend that i could ever have. She was popular in class, says the right thing at the right time, she's there when i needed her, when my fragile heart was broken by some stoopid idiot (whom i hope he's regretting now! hmmph)..

Then we went into Polytechnic and studied Accountancy. The funny thing was we didnt actually want to do Accountancy. I wanted to do Business Ad and she wanted to do retail or something (cant rem cos that's like donkeys years ago). So finally, we settled for Accountancy!! Duh~

We were posted to different classes but remains very very good friend. We often switches notes and textbooks cos our class schedules are opposites of each other. In fact, my whole class knows Lily is my Best friend.

After graduating in 1999, we started working and have a slightly different life. We kinda drifted apart as well. I mean, we do meet up once in awhile to catch up and gossip, but it sure feels kinda different.. Then in 2002, she got married to a wonderful guy, and a year later, they have a wonderful son together. My best friend progress from maritial status: Single to Married with kid. She has also definitely mature in the last couple of years (good career ahead) whereas moi is should i say..still not acting like my age (as alot of my friends have mentioned) which makes me wanna say....can someone define "not acting like my age"? Did someone, the Great Old One above states how someone who's 27 years old should be acting?

Now is year2006. We have knew each other for 14years! Almost half of our lifetime! The funny thing was we were not as close as we used to be. "That's because now she have different piorities. She has to be a good wife to her husband, and a good mother to her child" someone said to moi. We met up like maybe once a year? or even less.. She's busy with her life, and im busy with mine. Once in a while, we will sms each other, asking how each other is and always ending with "hope to seeya soon". The "hope to seeya soon" becomes weeks, then months then years...
I do feel kinda sad when i think about it. Im partly to blame because i don't make the effort to try to meet up with her when im back in Singapore. Just the other day, moi was checking my friendster account and realise that i didnt have a single shot of lily and moi picture together. Her friendster account, likewise, doesnt have photos of us .

Depressing huh?

i just wish we were as close as before...sharing jokes, laughter and secrets and so forth...
i'm really gonna try to meet up with Lily more often, because what we have so rare and precious..and i really don't wanna lose this special friend of mine and let it fade away..
So on this special day, i hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your birthday.. and i really mean it this time when i say "Hope to seeya soon!"

you know, im kinda amazed how long this bloggies turn out to bey long-winded leh...and it's suppose to be a happy bloggie about Lily's birthday..turn out to be some kind of long overdue confession... and yesh, moi in a funny mood today...god knows why...

PMS maybe?

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