
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Friday, November 10, 2006

Swedish~ is so so tough

First and foremost, moi came back from Shanghai and heard the hottest gossip in Hollywood town! Britney Spears (im her greatest fan!!) has finally came to her senses and decided to get rid of Kevin Federline a.k.a now known as FedEx since the breakup!

I'm truly happy for her! Way to go girl!
*moi doing a silly dance*
(although im still kinda shocked by the sudden separation..i mean she just gave birth to her second child, Jayden James like a month ago?)

Moi decided to start picking up the Swedish language again... bleah~
I managed to dig up this Teach Yourself Swedish learning guide that Tom gave to moi a year ago..

*blow off the layer of dust*

although i must admit that in this high tech era.....
where got people still use cassette tapes one!!!
PSST.....actually, i was planning to keep it for a couple of years till the cassette tapes turns mouldy!!
an excuse not to learn Swedish!! but darn~ it didnt happen!!!
Just kidding, tom!

But just so u know, Swedish is pretty hard to grasp...
its unlike English where u can try and pronounce the word by looking at the spelling....

for example, Tom's takes me donkey years and i still can't pronounce his surname..
..Tom says that every alphabete have to be pronounce... ...but its not so simple..your tongue have to hit the teeth at the right spot.. and the tone has to be right and and and...
Many had attempted to pronounce his surname properly and had fell flat on the face trying....

and other word like:
idiot...same spelling but pronounce as Ee-dutt..
livsmedelsaffä the world am i gonna pronounce this word?

See!! how tough it is!!
*tear my hair out*

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