
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Best Zurich trip...ever (Part2)

Elizabeth and moi decided to bunk in together so we could catch up on stuff ......

So, what happen when two messy girls stay together?


Check out our messy room! The chambermaid must be so glad they're not gonna clean up this room
That's Eliz's bed!!Moi's bed!!! I just have to take a picture of this. Our dear friend, Elizabeth went to the supermarket and bought 60pcs of family pack chocolate bars!!!! *astonished*
can u imagine spending S$150++ on chocolates alone????
And this is us going gaa gaa over our new LONGCHAMP baggies!!!!!!yupz, moi bought the rosy pink one!! what's new? =P
The medium one with moi bought cost CHF89
(fyi, the small one cost CHF75 and the large one cost CHF110)

psst, moi went down to Taka yesterday and found out that they are selling the medium one at S$166 (moi paid around S$111 after coverting from CHF)
a saving of S$55!!!
$$ka ching ka ching$$$
MUAHAHAHAHA (im so evil~)
The two ultra "Bo liao" 无聊 girlies then decided to pose with our new baggies!!! dunno why im feeling so excited with my new baggie!!!
maybe its been awhile since i bought a new baggie
*Tom rolling his eyes* (-.-")

Taking another picture with my new baggie...
and againAND AGAIN!!!HAHA.... 超级无聊!!!well, u gotto admit it's a pretty nice baggie! Even though our Dear Tom thought it was a plastic bag at first glance! Like duh~ *sweat drop*

On our checkout day, moi and Eliz misread our checkout time..imagine our shock when the wake up call came in while moi was still fast asleep in bed!!

Hey, Eliz!! im still pretty amazed that we managed to shower, tie our hair, apply make up, pack our bags/stuff and eat in a record time of 40mins!!! *amazed*
It was so fun bunking in, sightsee, gosspi and shopping Shopping SHOPPING!!!
(heehee, so much for saving $$ for our new flat...bleah~)

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