
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hello mister, im not your servant!

i hate it when Nov and Dec comes...
No, not because xmas is coming..
I totally love Christmas! i even bought all these Christmas decoration for Tom's place

Its....It's because the School holis are here!!

Does it concern me?
Of cos it does! Because this means that all the parents will start bringing their children for overseas holidays!!

I have nothing against that really. I mean its good for family bonding, man!
spending precious time with family, building up the family closeness etc...i totally agree with that!

But when you have a group consisting of 45 families and tons and tons of children..
It's nightmare on elm street!!!
moi seriously dun mind if they are poilte and well-behaved. But ...
* running up and down the aisle thinking that the aircraft is a playground?
* Coming into the galley to play hide and seek?
* squeezing thru the carts when we are serving meals even when moi tell them its dangerous?
i really really wanna strangle their lil necks!!!

And you can see these parents spoiling their child..
They think that their children are the best, the smartest..
I think they are really really too spoilt and pampered.

Take one instance, i would never ever spoon-feed my child who is already 10years old. I'm not talking about a child with disabilites here. Im talking about a normal healthy 10year old girl who can use her own hands to hold up a spoon and put it into her month.

So why can't the child eat by herself? you wondered...
ohhh, that's because both her hands are busy, fingers pressing furiously on her PSP... So there she was, playing on her PSP and her mommy was sitting beside her, spoon-feeding her (mind you!) and coaxing her to eat..

How ridiculous is that? you tell me....

"Maybe when you are a parent yourself, you will realise that you will behave like the mummy" moi thought...
HECK NO!!! i don't think im gonna ever be like her..i want my child to be independant!

Then, there was this other family who was the last to board the plane. You know how it is if you are the last to board the plane and everyone are like just waiting for you..
"Walk down the aisle of shame"
Everyone's eye will be on you as you make your way down to the seat..with a few "tsk tsk" sounds here and there

But No, this family of three (The Dad, The mom and lil son) simply don't care. I approached them and offered to show them to their seats. It doesnt help that they were carrying 3 huge cabin bags as well. The mom opened the overhead compartment and saw that it was already stuffed with bags.

The Mom : Why are there other people's bags in here? Can you take them away?
Moi : *incredulous look* Sorry mdm, i can't do that. I could help you look for space in other overhead compartments.
The Mom : But our seats are here. The overhead compartments above belongs to us. Nobody should put their bags in our overhead compartments!
Moi : First of all, mdm, the overhead compartment doesn't belong to you, it belongs to my company (Nay..i didnt say that!! ) Mdm, the overhead compartments are for all passengers. Whoever comes FIRST and board EARLY! gets to stow their bags in the compartment..It's a first come, first stow basis."

So then moi tried to find space for their bags..managed to find a couple of space but they didnt want it because "It's too far and i couldnt keep an eye on my bags"

like duh~~ *rolled my eyes*

And there I was holding their two bags, while The Dad started opening compartments after compartments (and not closing them back, mind you) to find space..
Poor moi was carrying his two stoopid bags for him!! (Tom asked moi why i bother helping them carry the bags, should have just left it there on the floor...Sighz, i dunno why either)
He finally found this space that he's satisfied with. He then looked at me, expecting moi to put it up for me...

That's when Mount Jasmine erupted!
"Excuse me Sir, could you stow your own bags yourself!!" I practically shouted at him..

Me, a petite woman VS The DAD, who's like three times my size!!!
and he expected ME to stow his FXXXing bags...

Hello doubt that i have my job because you people love travelling by air..
but dun FXXXing treat me like your servant!!!

i mean, usually...i'm quite a nice person (too nice as some of my friends put it). I even surprise myself by the outburst..i was really REALLY REALLY MAD!! You know like so bloody mad that you just wanna scream out really loud?
i was reaching that stage
He should be so lucky that im not working in that aisle.. i would have like poured a jug of icy water over his head and go "opps, im so sorry"

Of cos our poor Tom had to hear me rambling and cursing away afterwards..
HAHA...i bet his ear must be ringing still..after all my cursing and screaming...
This really tops as one of my most horrible flights...ever

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man...poor thing..singaporeans are named one of the "worst pax" on cabin crew.