
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Sunday, November 19, 2006

My Auckland trip!

Mo just came back from my Auckland flight. The pattern is such that we worked up from Singapore to Auckland and paxed back (as passengers) from Auckland back to Singapore.

yupz, 10hours of sitting in the passenger an not doing anything!! (although i promise the operating crew that i'll check their toilets regularly, replenish the tissues box and rolls and behave like the best passengers a crew could ever get! )


Just the day before our departure from Auckland to Singapore, a couple of us were in the crew room from 6pm till 6AM(our reporting time was 10AM) chatting and gossiping!

With just 4hours of beauty sleep, Boy was i damn bloody tired!
But what the heck! Don't have to work mah!! keke
(fyi, i went to the gym too!! was on the threadmill for 40mins before my legs couldnt take it anymore..felt so proud of myself!!!)

On the plane with my batch girl, Angie! I notice that her pupils are really really huge! or maybe its cos mine are small. Good for her! (note: read my earlier blog on large pupils!)
Moi realise something:
Sitting in the plane for 10 grueling hours is SO-NOT-FUN!!
In fact, its so bloody borrrrring *big yawn*

First of all, Angie and moi are struck in between our two senior crew, so going to the toilets is like a big obstacles("excuse me, we need to go to the toilet" Senior crew made a big deal of unfastening their seatbelt, slowly got to their feet, step out of the get the drift!). Then, when moi try to sleep in my seat, i realise that MOI CANT SLEEP IN THE PLANE!!! The seats are really uncomfortable!! (now i truly know how a passengers feel when they are cramped into a small pathetic seat!)

i was so bored to death and my whole body was aching like hell from the gym yesterday!!! (this is what happen when you don't exercise for a year!)
At least our dear Angie managed to take a nap! Sighz

Bo liao moi starts taking picture of myself~
With nothing to do, moi started my movie marathon! Yupz, watched like 4movies (could have watch more if i wanted too):
1. Fast and Furious: Tokyo drift...sent my adrenaline pumping. Lucas York Black is totally hot!!!
2. Little Man.... dumb show
3. Bardyard...i was so sad when Ben the Cow died...sniff~
4. John Tucker must die....hunky jock John Tucker played by Jesse Metcalfe, best known as the gardener on 'Desperate Housewives' is another hottie

Watch movies, eat, drink, body aching, ...That pretty much sum up my 10hours flight back to Singapore

The magical sentence that moi been praying finally came : "Ladies and gentlemen, This is your captain speaking, we are...blah blah blah..Cabin crew, please prepare the aircraft for arrrival"

Thank god we are reaching Singapore! i don't think i can take another hour of sitting there and not doing anything!!!

Come to think of it, moi have another paxing flight from Seoul to Singapore next month. Eventhough its just 7hours or so, i dun think i can take it anymore!!! Oh NOOOOOOO....

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

10hrs on pax joke...and in economy!!at least you got good company with you..heehee..
I hope I will never get the day I will have to pax back in economy..