
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy news & not-so happy news...

Happys new:
One of my good friend just got attached. He and this really sweet gal had been dating for the past 6 months. Saw the gal's pictures on his handphone.. Really sweet with a very nice smile. My friend is super lucky lor but he's a nice guy as well.. Whenever we have class gathering, he always send moi back to my doorsteps (cos we both live in the east side mah 顺便!!) ...Well, he promise to bring her with him on our next hope to see her in real person soon.

Not-so happy news:
So while one of my good friend got attached, the other of my really good friend just ended his almost 3 years relationship with his girlfriend. Sighz~
The irony of life~
It's kinda sudden as well if you ask me...And if things couldnt be any worse, his mommy is in hospital with some kinda infection..Being the only child, it's a huge burden for him to shoulder... The emotional needs and the finanical needs. Moi and Veron went to visit him and his mommy at TTSH yestie. Though he tried to behave like his normal self, Veron and myself could sense some kinda of underlying he's trying to put up a brave front..
this is what moi will discribe as :
We just wanna let him know that "if you ever need someone to talk to, or you need any kind of help, please do not READ: DO NOT hesitate to contact either one of us..不用paiseh"

While having dinner with Tom at siglap yestie, he mentioned that his friend's 20 years old sister is in hosiptal with a brain infection. He sent her a sms after dinner to ask how everything was only to get a reply from her saying that her sister passed away at 7pm that day.

Not-so-good news always makes me cry~

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