
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Monday, November 27, 2006

Gasp! Tom on my London flight!

Yesh, Tom is gonna be on my London flight tonight!!

Its not exactly a coincidence...he needs to go down to London and then Paris to visit his counterparts. And since moi has a London flight coming up, he planned it such that he will be in London during that period too...

Gonna be so exciting...and weird at the same time...
Moi gonna take good care of him during the flight..give him tons of reading stuff like newspaper, magazines.. stuffed him up with drinks and snacks!!!
hopefully he will be seated in my aisle

As is DHL again.... (not that i mind!)
I love to provide courier service for my friends!!!HAHA..

Stuff from Veron to her hubby, Ah Ken in London....
no, its not clothes from M)phosis...
Pineapple tarts from Tom to his colleagues in London.
(yesh, im carrying it in my baggie)

Usually, i'll buy pineapple tarts for Ah Ken whenever i flies up to London...But guess he must be so sick of them...So moi decided to buy "chicken in a biscuit" for him!!! HAHA..
He says London doesnt have them...
I could hardly wait!! Its gonna be so exciting!!
My friend, Clarissa will be flying up to London tonight as well... have already agreed to meet up with her and Ah Ken for makan! Maybe meet at Chinatown for Dim Sum....


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy news & not-so happy news...

Happys new:
One of my good friend just got attached. He and this really sweet gal had been dating for the past 6 months. Saw the gal's pictures on his handphone.. Really sweet with a very nice smile. My friend is super lucky lor but he's a nice guy as well.. Whenever we have class gathering, he always send moi back to my doorsteps (cos we both live in the east side mah 顺便!!) ...Well, he promise to bring her with him on our next hope to see her in real person soon.

Not-so happy news:
So while one of my good friend got attached, the other of my really good friend just ended his almost 3 years relationship with his girlfriend. Sighz~
The irony of life~
It's kinda sudden as well if you ask me...And if things couldnt be any worse, his mommy is in hospital with some kinda infection..Being the only child, it's a huge burden for him to shoulder... The emotional needs and the finanical needs. Moi and Veron went to visit him and his mommy at TTSH yestie. Though he tried to behave like his normal self, Veron and myself could sense some kinda of underlying he's trying to put up a brave front..
this is what moi will discribe as :
We just wanna let him know that "if you ever need someone to talk to, or you need any kind of help, please do not READ: DO NOT hesitate to contact either one of us..不用paiseh"

While having dinner with Tom at siglap yestie, he mentioned that his friend's 20 years old sister is in hosiptal with a brain infection. He sent her a sms after dinner to ask how everything was only to get a reply from her saying that her sister passed away at 7pm that day.

Not-so-good news always makes me cry~

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hello mister, im not your servant!

i hate it when Nov and Dec comes...
No, not because xmas is coming..
I totally love Christmas! i even bought all these Christmas decoration for Tom's place

Its....It's because the School holis are here!!

Does it concern me?
Of cos it does! Because this means that all the parents will start bringing their children for overseas holidays!!

I have nothing against that really. I mean its good for family bonding, man!
spending precious time with family, building up the family closeness etc...i totally agree with that!

But when you have a group consisting of 45 families and tons and tons of children..
It's nightmare on elm street!!!
moi seriously dun mind if they are poilte and well-behaved. But ...
* running up and down the aisle thinking that the aircraft is a playground?
* Coming into the galley to play hide and seek?
* squeezing thru the carts when we are serving meals even when moi tell them its dangerous?
i really really wanna strangle their lil necks!!!

And you can see these parents spoiling their child..
They think that their children are the best, the smartest..
I think they are really really too spoilt and pampered.

Take one instance, i would never ever spoon-feed my child who is already 10years old. I'm not talking about a child with disabilites here. Im talking about a normal healthy 10year old girl who can use her own hands to hold up a spoon and put it into her month.

So why can't the child eat by herself? you wondered...
ohhh, that's because both her hands are busy, fingers pressing furiously on her PSP... So there she was, playing on her PSP and her mommy was sitting beside her, spoon-feeding her (mind you!) and coaxing her to eat..

How ridiculous is that? you tell me....

"Maybe when you are a parent yourself, you will realise that you will behave like the mummy" moi thought...
HECK NO!!! i don't think im gonna ever be like her..i want my child to be independant!

Then, there was this other family who was the last to board the plane. You know how it is if you are the last to board the plane and everyone are like just waiting for you..
"Walk down the aisle of shame"
Everyone's eye will be on you as you make your way down to the seat..with a few "tsk tsk" sounds here and there

But No, this family of three (The Dad, The mom and lil son) simply don't care. I approached them and offered to show them to their seats. It doesnt help that they were carrying 3 huge cabin bags as well. The mom opened the overhead compartment and saw that it was already stuffed with bags.

The Mom : Why are there other people's bags in here? Can you take them away?
Moi : *incredulous look* Sorry mdm, i can't do that. I could help you look for space in other overhead compartments.
The Mom : But our seats are here. The overhead compartments above belongs to us. Nobody should put their bags in our overhead compartments!
Moi : First of all, mdm, the overhead compartment doesn't belong to you, it belongs to my company (Nay..i didnt say that!! ) Mdm, the overhead compartments are for all passengers. Whoever comes FIRST and board EARLY! gets to stow their bags in the compartment..It's a first come, first stow basis."

So then moi tried to find space for their bags..managed to find a couple of space but they didnt want it because "It's too far and i couldnt keep an eye on my bags"

like duh~~ *rolled my eyes*

And there I was holding their two bags, while The Dad started opening compartments after compartments (and not closing them back, mind you) to find space..
Poor moi was carrying his two stoopid bags for him!! (Tom asked moi why i bother helping them carry the bags, should have just left it there on the floor...Sighz, i dunno why either)
He finally found this space that he's satisfied with. He then looked at me, expecting moi to put it up for me...

That's when Mount Jasmine erupted!
"Excuse me Sir, could you stow your own bags yourself!!" I practically shouted at him..

Me, a petite woman VS The DAD, who's like three times my size!!!
and he expected ME to stow his FXXXing bags...

Hello doubt that i have my job because you people love travelling by air..
but dun FXXXing treat me like your servant!!!

i mean, usually...i'm quite a nice person (too nice as some of my friends put it). I even surprise myself by the outburst..i was really REALLY REALLY MAD!! You know like so bloody mad that you just wanna scream out really loud?
i was reaching that stage
He should be so lucky that im not working in that aisle.. i would have like poured a jug of icy water over his head and go "opps, im so sorry"

Of cos our poor Tom had to hear me rambling and cursing away afterwards..
HAHA...i bet his ear must be ringing still..after all my cursing and screaming...
This really tops as one of my most horrible flights...ever

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Happy Birthday, Lily!!!

*hoots and cheers*

Yupz, today is my bestest bestest friend birthday!!!
If you could still call us BFF (Best Friends Forever)

Hey, Lily..if you are reading this, this bloggie is especially for you...Hear goes:

Lily and moi knew each other since our secondary school days (back in year 1992). Heck! we even went to the same polytechnic and studied the same course (which is borrring Accountancy..more stories on that later...). It's also a coincidence that we shared the same surname. We used to try to convince everyone else that we are sisters. So funny~

So there we were, two thirteen years old girl against the world. We became closer when we were fifteen years old. She's the funny, outgoing, loveable and street smart kinda girl while moi was the total opposite i.e ultra quiet, blur and naive girl (I'm serious!). Its so funny how two such opposite persons can be so close. Maybe opposites do attract!

I remembered when we were in secondary school, she cut her fringe short and i followed her style. When she started the trend of tucking the school shirt in and folding up the skirt so that they look shorter, i wanna be like her too! She introduced moi to Louis Vuitton, MCM, Chantel Thomass, Sonia Rykiel, Ferrogamo, Burberry and many more!!

She's the best friend that i could ever have. She was popular in class, says the right thing at the right time, she's there when i needed her, when my fragile heart was broken by some stoopid idiot (whom i hope he's regretting now! hmmph)..

Then we went into Polytechnic and studied Accountancy. The funny thing was we didnt actually want to do Accountancy. I wanted to do Business Ad and she wanted to do retail or something (cant rem cos that's like donkeys years ago). So finally, we settled for Accountancy!! Duh~

We were posted to different classes but remains very very good friend. We often switches notes and textbooks cos our class schedules are opposites of each other. In fact, my whole class knows Lily is my Best friend.

After graduating in 1999, we started working and have a slightly different life. We kinda drifted apart as well. I mean, we do meet up once in awhile to catch up and gossip, but it sure feels kinda different.. Then in 2002, she got married to a wonderful guy, and a year later, they have a wonderful son together. My best friend progress from maritial status: Single to Married with kid. She has also definitely mature in the last couple of years (good career ahead) whereas moi is should i say..still not acting like my age (as alot of my friends have mentioned) which makes me wanna say....can someone define "not acting like my age"? Did someone, the Great Old One above states how someone who's 27 years old should be acting?

Now is year2006. We have knew each other for 14years! Almost half of our lifetime! The funny thing was we were not as close as we used to be. "That's because now she have different piorities. She has to be a good wife to her husband, and a good mother to her child" someone said to moi. We met up like maybe once a year? or even less.. She's busy with her life, and im busy with mine. Once in a while, we will sms each other, asking how each other is and always ending with "hope to seeya soon". The "hope to seeya soon" becomes weeks, then months then years...
I do feel kinda sad when i think about it. Im partly to blame because i don't make the effort to try to meet up with her when im back in Singapore. Just the other day, moi was checking my friendster account and realise that i didnt have a single shot of lily and moi picture together. Her friendster account, likewise, doesnt have photos of us .

Depressing huh?

i just wish we were as close as before...sharing jokes, laughter and secrets and so forth...
i'm really gonna try to meet up with Lily more often, because what we have so rare and precious..and i really don't wanna lose this special friend of mine and let it fade away..
So on this special day, i hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your birthday.. and i really mean it this time when i say "Hope to seeya soon!"

you know, im kinda amazed how long this bloggies turn out to bey long-winded leh...and it's suppose to be a happy bloggie about Lily's birthday..turn out to be some kind of long overdue confession... and yesh, moi in a funny mood today...god knows why...

PMS maybe?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

My Auckland trip!

Mo just came back from my Auckland flight. The pattern is such that we worked up from Singapore to Auckland and paxed back (as passengers) from Auckland back to Singapore.

yupz, 10hours of sitting in the passenger an not doing anything!! (although i promise the operating crew that i'll check their toilets regularly, replenish the tissues box and rolls and behave like the best passengers a crew could ever get! )


Just the day before our departure from Auckland to Singapore, a couple of us were in the crew room from 6pm till 6AM(our reporting time was 10AM) chatting and gossiping!

With just 4hours of beauty sleep, Boy was i damn bloody tired!
But what the heck! Don't have to work mah!! keke
(fyi, i went to the gym too!! was on the threadmill for 40mins before my legs couldnt take it anymore..felt so proud of myself!!!)

On the plane with my batch girl, Angie! I notice that her pupils are really really huge! or maybe its cos mine are small. Good for her! (note: read my earlier blog on large pupils!)
Moi realise something:
Sitting in the plane for 10 grueling hours is SO-NOT-FUN!!
In fact, its so bloody borrrrring *big yawn*

First of all, Angie and moi are struck in between our two senior crew, so going to the toilets is like a big obstacles("excuse me, we need to go to the toilet" Senior crew made a big deal of unfastening their seatbelt, slowly got to their feet, step out of the get the drift!). Then, when moi try to sleep in my seat, i realise that MOI CANT SLEEP IN THE PLANE!!! The seats are really uncomfortable!! (now i truly know how a passengers feel when they are cramped into a small pathetic seat!)

i was so bored to death and my whole body was aching like hell from the gym yesterday!!! (this is what happen when you don't exercise for a year!)
At least our dear Angie managed to take a nap! Sighz

Bo liao moi starts taking picture of myself~
With nothing to do, moi started my movie marathon! Yupz, watched like 4movies (could have watch more if i wanted too):
1. Fast and Furious: Tokyo drift...sent my adrenaline pumping. Lucas York Black is totally hot!!!
2. Little Man.... dumb show
3. Bardyard...i was so sad when Ben the Cow died...sniff~
4. John Tucker must die....hunky jock John Tucker played by Jesse Metcalfe, best known as the gardener on 'Desperate Housewives' is another hottie

Watch movies, eat, drink, body aching, ...That pretty much sum up my 10hours flight back to Singapore

The magical sentence that moi been praying finally came : "Ladies and gentlemen, This is your captain speaking, we are...blah blah blah..Cabin crew, please prepare the aircraft for arrrival"

Thank god we are reaching Singapore! i don't think i can take another hour of sitting there and not doing anything!!!

Come to think of it, moi have another paxing flight from Seoul to Singapore next month. Eventhough its just 7hours or so, i dun think i can take it anymore!!! Oh NOOOOOOO....

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm lookin' in your big brown eyes~

Moi was browsing thru the fashion magazine when i came across this advertisment.
The ACUVUE Define in Brown - Contact lens that makes your pupils appear larger
I know this has been in the market for a pretty long time, but this sets me thinking:
WTF do i have to make my pupils larger? Does it makes any differences at all?

Oh Boy, am i so wrong.
BIGGER pupils are definitely better....

An article that i google search mentioned that people with larger pupils are considered more physically attractive (and more friendly) than are smaller, contracted pupils.


The article stated that a survery was conducted whereby a group of people was shown two photographs of the same woman, the only difference being that the pupils size of the second photograph were altered to make them appeared larger.

The verdict? almost 90% of the group said that the lady in the second photograph appeared more attractive. (Bear in mind that we are talking about the SAME target photos here!)

Amazing huh!

We're not comparing different people with different pupil sizes and concluding that those with larger pupils are seen as more attractive than those with smaller pupils. It's the same woman here!

fyi, the article also mentioned that the pupils of our eyes dilate and grow larger when we see someone whom we're totally attracted to. Its almost like our eyes wanna get bigger so that we could see the person better. Therefore you can often tell if a person is attracted to you by observing their pupils, and noting whether they expand or contract when they are looking at you. Note for couples: sure proof way to tell whether your partner still finds you attractive.

This sure brings a new meaning to the saying "i like what i see"
*large pupils* @-@

Of cos, when the pupils contract, it likely means that the person is totally not attracted to you, but actively DISLIKES you. (or when light is shining into your eyes!)

Arm with this interesting article, i conclue that
" MOI WANNA HAVE BIGGER PUPILS TOO!!!"Nay, this is the original size of my pupil!

Gonna get my hands on the new Acuvue Define. Hope to post a picture of moi wearing them soon and you guys can then judge for yourself how accurate the article is.

Hey Tom! why is your pupil contracting!!!!! Grrrrr.....

Monday, November 13, 2006

ohayo gozaimasu, konnicha wa or konban wa

Moi just came back from my Narita flight!
keke.. Thank god my friend, Jeremy Ng was not on the flight.. It will be so weird having to treat a good friend as your passenger.
"Mr Ng, may i take your order for dinner?" moi ask while trying hard not to giggle...duh~

Anyway, he flies up there like 4 times a month or something...
Lucky guy~
"i'm so sick of Tokyo" he said.

How can anyone be sick of flying up to Tokyo? it's like one of the best place on earth!(and the second most expensive city in the world)
Fantastic food, good shopping, polite Japanese people and so forth!
I love JAPAN!!

Since it's just a 24hours stay in Toyko, our hotel is located about 10mins drive from the airport. (fyi, travelling time from Narita airport to Tokyo city takes like 1hour 20mins).

After a nappie, moi met up with the rest of the crew for lunch.
Was still so bloody tired! had like just 3hours of nap after a 10hours overnight flight via bangkok
Lunch was at the the shopping mall foodcourt near to our hotel. managed to find a Pepper lunch store in the foodcourt.
*make a mad dash for it*
To make an order, simply select the item you wanna order, slot the coins in and a ticket will appear. Give the ticket to the staff at the counter. He will pass you a hand-held device(like a pager). The device will beep once the food is ready and you can then go back to the counter and collect the food. How cool is that!!! Moi's pepper lunch beef steak!!
"Itadakimasu"Wait a minute!! What's this non-japanese food thingy doing on the table!!!
After the wonderful lunch, we headed down to our favourite store, Daiso store a.k.a 100yen shop! Yesh, almost everything is going for 100yen (S$1.40). We, or I mean moi, always go crazy over here..

Walked pass Muji store on the way to Daiso store. Checked out their winter collection!!! Droolz~
Moi went to peep at the price of this sweater that i really like.. 10000Yen (S$140). So expensive...Sighzz (anyone wanna buy it as a Christmas present for moi?)
Yesh, this is the Daiso store!checked out the stuff i bought!
Christmas decorations for Tom's place!
Yesh, i seriously thought Tom is gonna like the Hello Kitty decorations!!
See how cute they are!

And household stuff,moi gonna start growing some veggies!! keke

Went to the supermartet...I love to shop at supermarket!! so auntie right?
This is moi's dinner. What a feast!!

Bought Persimons for mommy since they are in season now. She absolutely loves them! Took moi like 10mins to choose them. I have no talent at choosing fruits. fyi, the supermarket provide this Dry ice machine(Free of Charge. Just have to get a token from the checkout counter). You put the foodstuff that you wanna chilled i.e fresh fish, ice-cream, sushi and blah blah, press the button and voilà! a layer of dry ice covering your fresh food so it will not go bad. This is how considerate they are. Wish we could have something similar in Singapore
People people!! this is the best instant pasta! kinda expensive though 260Yen (S$3.60). Try it and you would absolutely love it!!
Hope to go there for a holiday soon
time to sleep!Nitezzzzz

Friday, November 10, 2006

Swedish~ is so so tough

First and foremost, moi came back from Shanghai and heard the hottest gossip in Hollywood town! Britney Spears (im her greatest fan!!) has finally came to her senses and decided to get rid of Kevin Federline a.k.a now known as FedEx since the breakup!

I'm truly happy for her! Way to go girl!
*moi doing a silly dance*
(although im still kinda shocked by the sudden separation..i mean she just gave birth to her second child, Jayden James like a month ago?)

Moi decided to start picking up the Swedish language again... bleah~
I managed to dig up this Teach Yourself Swedish learning guide that Tom gave to moi a year ago..

*blow off the layer of dust*

although i must admit that in this high tech era.....
where got people still use cassette tapes one!!!
PSST.....actually, i was planning to keep it for a couple of years till the cassette tapes turns mouldy!!
an excuse not to learn Swedish!! but darn~ it didnt happen!!!
Just kidding, tom!

But just so u know, Swedish is pretty hard to grasp...
its unlike English where u can try and pronounce the word by looking at the spelling....

for example, Tom's takes me donkey years and i still can't pronounce his surname..
..Tom says that every alphabete have to be pronounce... ...but its not so simple..your tongue have to hit the teeth at the right spot.. and the tone has to be right and and and...
Many had attempted to pronounce his surname properly and had fell flat on the face trying....

and other word like:
idiot...same spelling but pronounce as Ee-dutt..
livsmedelsaffä the world am i gonna pronounce this word?

See!! how tough it is!!
*tear my hair out*

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Shanghai! Shanghai!!

3 reasons why i love Shanghai!!
(not in any order of preferences..keke)

1. massage!!

2. shopping!!

3. food!!

Yesh!! massage is damn cheap in Shanghai!! usually cost about RMB100-150 (about S$20- 25) for 2hours!! YUPZ!! 2 HOURS of pure bliss!!!

Xiangyang LOST & FOUND!!
(fyi, Xiangyang Road market was probably the most famous market in Shanghai. They sell stuff like clothes, shoes, bags and some other stuff which i can't mentioned. The market was officially closed in jun 2006 and the vendors were relocated to "i don't know where" till now!!

Apparently, Xiang yang has been relocated to Rong Fu Department store..
(near to Times Square building)
The place is definitely smaller..they have less shops here, the atmosphere is aint the same anymore and it's not as crowded. Competition is stiff here between all shops, with shops owners grabbing us by the arms to patronize their shops. I wanted to get a pair of boots for winter, but failed to find anything or should i say, fail to find any single shops that sells boots.

Bought a couple of items that i cant mentioned here (you know what i mean) and head off for lunch.

Lunch was at Bi Feng Tang restaurant
(i think there's a BiFengTang in Singapore as well...hmm..let's do a google search...yupz... 2 Century Square and United Square respectively.. never eaten there though)

i love the ambience...and the tea pot!! its so traditional...
This is the amount of food two of us ordered!!'s so amazing..The couple sitted at the next table were openly looking at us and then the amount of food on the table..They finally couldnt take it anymore and exclaimed
"that's alot of food for two person!!"
we hilarious ~
Food is cheap over there...the bill came up to about S$20..

we were so totally stuffed afterwards..bleah~

This is my shopping buddy!! Everyone say Hello to Joyee!!!...Moi enjoying the food! yummie~ *chomp*I seriously need to get boots!! arghh..
Joyee then suggested going to Qibulu (another shopping district in Shanghai)

This the the cabbie driving us to Qibulu..
Ineed to mentioned that im kinda disgusted with his behaviour. On our way there, he
rolled down his window and "ka pui" onto the road! *Ewwww*

he then started cursing, swearing and making impatient sounds when the road ahead was jammed packed with cars

Totally disgusted.. 坏人!

Of cos, the encounter with the cab driver didnt dampen my shopping spirit at all!!!
Moi's Born to shop!!!
After walking around the first floor, I already bought two pairs of boots!!
And its so affordable..of cause u need to bargain with them (at least slash the price by a third)
they initially quoted them at RMB380... but managed to bargain down to RMB100 each (S$20)
of cos the quality is not as good, but for S$20...can't complain much lah..

But don't quote ridiculous prices lah...u know how some Singaporeans are sometime.. they go to countries like Thailand and China and expect everything to be so bloody cheap!!

moi's golden rule in bargaining :
pay what you think is a reasonable amount

(of cos some people like XXX for example, will wanna pay as low as possible..he'll probably try to bargain it down to just S$5 for the boots...which is surely gonna get him throw out of the shop..or mabbe get chased out with a broom!)

anyway, back to Qibulu..a point to note, try to avoid going during peak hours.. going there is easy but getting a cab from there back to the hotel is a nightmare!!! *no kidding*
After 10mins of waiting, we spotted an empty cab only to have a chinese family coming up from behind and stealing our cab right infront of our eyes!

we decided to walk away from Qibulu area thinking it might be easier to get a cab. One empty cab we came across asked how much we are wiling to pay. When we asked him to go by the price meter, he waved us away and drove off. The next empty cab we flagged down actually rolled down the window and inform us to call and book a cab (probably to earn from the booking fee!)

That's insanity!

Feeling so damn pissed with all the cab drivers, we decided to not get a cab and just take the underground train back which cost like just RMB3/per person (and no spitting driver and no traffic jam!!)

But the whole incident didnt dampen my feeling for Shanghai..Yesh, the flight might be tough! people might sometimes be ungracious..but i still love Shanghai..

Monday, November 06, 2006

Wacoal tummy walker

Darn!!!!! so irritated!! moi been trying to get my hands on the new Wacoal tummy walkers only to find out that's its SOLD OUT in the whole of SINGAPORE!!!
and it doesnt come cheap! priced at S$87!!! omigosh~
Grrrrrrrrrr *angry look*
Correction: Only the "medium size" is sold out!
The Large and x-large are still available at all wacoal outlets.
(fyi, it doesnt comes in small size)

This Wacoal tummy walker is suppose to help slim your tummy, tone up your hips, thigh and butt with the y-shape elastic thingy!! by just simply walking around in it!! heard just walking...
if you walk more than 6000steps a day, this is the thing for you!!
since moi is always on my feet, walking from one end of the cabin and back (and i need a new girdle anyway)..this is definitely for me!!!!

It makes moi wonders too..isnt this an interesting phenomenon. Why are petite pple like moi buying up all the medium size tummy walker when there's not much takers for large and x-large size? Are we so obsessed with our weight and body and how we look??
Guilty as charged

and as Tom mentioned "Do u seriously think this is gonna work?"

but no harm trying right? *trying to convince myself*

I could only find the instruction in Korean cos the webbie doesnt have the information in English..

Anyway, the nice lady at the wacoal counter informed moi that new stock will arrive in mid dec..
so keeping moi fingers crossed.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Best Zurich trip...ever (Part2)

Elizabeth and moi decided to bunk in together so we could catch up on stuff ......

So, what happen when two messy girls stay together?


Check out our messy room! The chambermaid must be so glad they're not gonna clean up this room
That's Eliz's bed!!Moi's bed!!! I just have to take a picture of this. Our dear friend, Elizabeth went to the supermarket and bought 60pcs of family pack chocolate bars!!!! *astonished*
can u imagine spending S$150++ on chocolates alone????
And this is us going gaa gaa over our new LONGCHAMP baggies!!!!!!yupz, moi bought the rosy pink one!! what's new? =P
The medium one with moi bought cost CHF89
(fyi, the small one cost CHF75 and the large one cost CHF110)

psst, moi went down to Taka yesterday and found out that they are selling the medium one at S$166 (moi paid around S$111 after coverting from CHF)
a saving of S$55!!!
$$ka ching ka ching$$$
MUAHAHAHAHA (im so evil~)
The two ultra "Bo liao" 无聊 girlies then decided to pose with our new baggies!!! dunno why im feeling so excited with my new baggie!!!
maybe its been awhile since i bought a new baggie
*Tom rolling his eyes* (-.-")

Taking another picture with my new baggie...
and againAND AGAIN!!!HAHA.... 超级无聊!!!well, u gotto admit it's a pretty nice baggie! Even though our Dear Tom thought it was a plastic bag at first glance! Like duh~ *sweat drop*

On our checkout day, moi and Eliz misread our checkout time..imagine our shock when the wake up call came in while moi was still fast asleep in bed!!

Hey, Eliz!! im still pretty amazed that we managed to shower, tie our hair, apply make up, pack our bags/stuff and eat in a record time of 40mins!!! *amazed*
It was so fun bunking in, sightsee, gosspi and shopping Shopping SHOPPING!!!
(heehee, so much for saving $$ for our new flat...bleah~)