CHOCOLATES~wahhhh, just the sound of it can make my mouth water *droolz*
I simply love Chocolates...
from my profile in friendster:
Queen of Snacking ~ with a humongous craving for milk chocolates, dark chocolates, plain chocolates, nuts with chocolates, fruits with chocolates, liquer chocolates (is it too obvious? *grinz*). The list includes potato chips, ice cream, Boursin Cheese, yogurts, nachos..Bring it on, pple!!!
Switzerland is where Lindt chocolates comes from...yummy~

i didnt even buy alot this time round... still have tons of chocolates left from my Frankfurt trip~
This Tom arh, is saying that i should stop buying him so much chocolates and munchies..
That ungrateful guy!!..haha
The days in Summer time Europe seem to be getting longer and longer..
this is the picture i took from my room at 2102!!!
(if u can make out the timing on the TV!)
yesh! at 2102, the sky is still bright and clear.. and it doesnt help that the sun rise at 0400!
if u calculate, are talking abt 18hrs of mother earth in daylight !!
" It's a long FXXXing day" pple complain i know where it comes from..
So with the outside bright as day, even if its 9pm, moi don't have the feeling to go to bed
(not that i sleep early..bedtime is usually around 3-4am)
the sun set at......... 2145
Woo hoo~ Tom says that actually Asia, including Singapore
have a longer day during summer as well..
? huh?
Just that it's probably a few minuters longer (like moi can tell the difference)
dunno if moi suan or what? My clear day in Zurich happened to be a public holiday there. Imagine all the shops are CLOSED! Shopping malls, supermarkets, shops, eateries, u name it, ALL CLOSED! Sianz arh, just stayed in the room to hibernate with me, myself, and I
Thank god moi bought milk and munchies when i touched down the day before..
Else moi will probably starved and die of hunger pangs in the room ..haha
the whole day was spent watching trashy TV shows, munchies...and and and
and yesh, i finally completed Tom's hair..uhmm.. i referring to my precious moments cross-stitch
>>> the boy's hair is completed!!! yaay~
spent 6hrs just doing the #$!%&$?*# hair!
and believe it anot, moi broke a needle in the progress..Funny~
probably due to irritation
(Grrrr..especially when u counted the number of stitches wrongly..had to undo and re-do)
Come to think of it, its nice to be alone sometimes... like my job, deals with meeting different people, interacting with people and blah blah its kinda nice to just get away for awhile..and be alone..
moi is in a weird mood now~
English: Chocolates
Swedish: choklad
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