(yesh, i noe..its hard to match clothes with pink shoes.. unless your wardrobe is filled with pink clothes like mine..keke)
Ermmm, looks abit dirty cos i wore them immediately after i bought them
This is my second pair of Birkenstock shoes.. the first one was bought in Singapore at the Wheelock store for S$119!!! Only when i started flying did i realise that it's so much cheaper to buy them from Frankfurt.
Not only are the prices cheaper, they provide excellent services as well.
This pair cost only 28Euros i.e S$56..furthermore we can claim 2Euro tax rebate: Nett price S$52!!
They are really comfortable. I SWEAR!!!
Since im going to Frankfurt again next month, if you wanna purchase a pair of Birkenstock shoes..just leave me a msg lah!! I getting a pair for my mommy and myself (again)..Haha
I'm just starting on a new cross stitch for Tom..and its no bigger surprise cos he chose the pattern himself..
Hope to get it done by our anniversary..
Trouble is : So far, i only managed 11stitches!! in a timeframe of a month
So Pathetic right!!
*blow off the cobwebs and dust*
Funny thing was, I brought it with me when i'm outstation thinking that i'll just stay in the room and work on it. But shopping and laying in bed watching TV seems more appealing than "stitching precious moments patterns"!!!
And yesh, i pricked my fingers twice just doing that 11 stitches!!!
nimble fingers and clutzy me just don't go hand in hand.. Geez~
Jasmine to Jasmine : 加油!!!!!GANBATTE!!!!
i will definitely keep you guys updated on my progess!!
Lastly...in my previous blog, i mentioned that i'll put up pictures of my London trip..
Still awaiting someone *hint hint* to send me the pictures..haha
English: Cross Stitch
Swedish: Korsstygn
1 comment:
sure!!..u tell me which design/colour/size you want lah
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