Moi was happily surfing the net when my mom shrieked at the top of her voice (alrite alrite, she didnt)
she just go like "Girl!! GIRLLL!! come and see this!!!!
So moi immediately dashed into the kitchen thinking that there might be some kind of emergency i.e the stove on fire or the chicken burnt or someone jumped from our block
Mom, looking abit hysterical, pointed toward the floor and i saw some green slimy stuff
On closer look, moi realised that they are

(yesh, you read my mind what i think about slimy worms)
In case you are wondering why the worms are decapitated...well, my mom, initially thinking they were just leaves on the FLOOR (i dunno where she get that idea from) tried to brush them away till she realised that green slimy stuff started ozzling out from it...
My mom a.k.a the fearless one
she's the kind of mom
: who can wack cockroaches/flies/ any flying objects with newspapers,
: cleans the fish stomach
: kills crabs by stabbing them with a knife
: claims to have kill and skin chicken with her bare hands in her kampong life (dubious~ dubious~)
And here she is asking me to help get rid of the decapitated worms
as if im braver then her??!!!
moi "quoted on my friendster profile":
Queen of Entomophobia/Insectophobia ~ Fear of insects. Any insects - bees, warts, cockroaches (especially flying ones), spiders and blah blah blah *Arghh, mommy!! Save the Queen!!!*
Oh well, a mom in need, therefore a good daughter indeed
plucked up my courage...and moi to the rescue
"Here i come to save the day ye ye ye~~~~~" (wavering voice)
Darn~ im not gonna use a piece of tissue to pick those up...

Thats how pathetic i was~~ *sweat drop*
Haha, i know...apparently the annual shareholder report has better usage
and good riddance...down the rubbish chute they go!!
Can I ask if your blog is meant for the worms to read?hahaha! INCREASE the font size please...btw, you ate those worms after that?:P
If its meant for worms to read, why are u reading it then? HAHAHA
im happy with my font size..u need a new pair of spec?
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