Before i started flying, moi is kinda indifferent to babies/children. i mean they are probably just small human beings in my dictionary.
If they don't bother me, i wouldnt be bothered with them either.
Yesh, i have friends who go ga ga over babies READ: plump babies. Friends who would made funny noises and go "awwwww, so cute" pinched the fatty cheeks. Friends who cooed over babies and screamed with glee when the baby speak in some funny foreign language that i can't decipher.
No! im not a baby children hater..( is there such a word? hater?)
All that change when i realise that children/babies is gonna be part and parcel of my job.. and its probably gonna remain this way as long as im in this job. Question: And why don't parents change the diaper of a baby after 10hrs? They kinda smell funny and its not a nice smell either..Baby smell nice? utter nonsense..
moi speak from experiences. Trust me~
Moi would put children/babies into two categories.
No, not 1. children and 2.babies
or 1. boys 2. girls
or 1. adorable 2. ugly
(because there's no such thing as a ugly baby..all baby are suppose to be cute, aint they?)
I would probably categorise them into
1. nice 2. not so nice and thats putting it in a nice way
my company says that the children are our future passengers.
and parents appreciate it if you called their children by names and pay attn to them i.e
"hi Sarah, how's your chicken meatball spaghetti meal?"
1. nice small lil ones
They are the ones who make their parents really proud. Not in the sense of academic acheivements, but the ones who knows their P & Qs!
The ones who looked at you in the eyes, smile and say "thank you" when you give them their meals
The ones who asked "May i have a glass of apple juice?"
The ones who say "May i have a coke for my sister as well? she's in the toilet."
The ones who listen to their parents and not make a big fuss when they don't get their way
There was this once when i was so impressed with the upbringing of the children that moi mentioned it to their parents. "Thank you" the mother said while looking at her children with pride.
2. then there are the "not so nice" ones
The ones who cant be bother to look at you when you hand them their child meal, instead concentrating on their games
The ones who scream and run around the plane thinking its a playground
The ones who are so selfish that they fight with their siblings over a small piece of chocolate
The ones who kicked a big fuss and demanded "i want coke i want coke!!" when the parents said no
pple says "children are children"
yah, but that doesnt give you a right to treat pple with disrespect.
But i guess i shouldnt blame the children. Its the parents!
The parents who pampered their children too much that they grow up spoilt
The parents who don't teach their children right from wrong
The parents who let their children have their own way
Its the upbringing of the children that made a difference
So, Moi was flying back from Brisbane, Sunshine coast on sunday..
As usual, flight was packed with parents with infants, children and blah blah blah
This lil one, Hassim was waiting outside the toilet which was just located beside the galley.
He saw me and said "This is a good flight"
I was stunned that a lil one would say this. My Chief enquired further "why is this a good flight?"
I was thinking probably he's gonna say cos we were friendly, we chatted with them, we are nice or we have games and cartoons in our entertainment system.
Hassim said "because you gave out ice-cream onboard!!"
HAHAHA..the innocence of a child~~
Moi then said "we have some extras left. Would you like another one?"
Hassim "Uhh, yes please...may i have one for my sister as well?"
and with that, my chief said i was conned by a lil child..
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