Tracy Chapman - Change
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Toilet cleaner? Me??!!!
"inconsiderate idiotic moronic lunatic insanity creep"
Liability clause: im not talking about people who are really sick, airsick and stuff, those are the exceptional cases.. i'm referring to the "inconsiderate idiotic moronic lunatic insanity creep" who THINK with their lil brains that they can hold their liquor, drank too much on flight, and then happily puke into the toilet SINK!
Question 1: whats the point of having an airsick bag right infront of your seat?
for show? for decoration? for fun? for you to stuff rubbish? like duh~
Question 2: if you failed to see the airsickbag which is smacked right infront of you, and you made a mad dash to the toilet (i dunno how u mange to) why why why? of all places, you have to vomit right into the SINK!!! i mean the toilet bowl is just on the right`side (a slight twist of your body)..HEY, wait a min..come to think of it, based on the layout of the toilet, you will probably reach the toilet bowl first before you reach the toilet sink
what are you thinking man!! who in the right fame of mind would do something like that?
Yesh, Only "inconsiderate idiotic moronic lunatic insanity creep"
Wah Lau..
"Well, at least the person didnt puke onto the floor" my ever so optimistic colleague said
like HELLO~
*wave my hand infront of her face*
moi and my colleague went to kaypoh abit. Armed with the air freshener and gloves, we opened up the offensive toilet
lemme tell you, the stench is totally unbelievable..smelling ur own puke is already DUH~
but smelling someone else and having to clean up after them...
One word===> *pui*
sheesh, the whole sink was filled to the brim with vomitus!! sighz i wished i had my camera with me..should have taken a pix and show it to you guys
its almost like the guy puked his whole guts out..
*im totally grossed out* bleah~
So who had to clean up the mess?
Actually i dun mind cleaning up used to it liao(seriously, u'll be amazed by the statistics). To me, i take it as part and parcel of my job anyway (i mean thats what i think lah)..
my Leading stewardess commented that apparently alot of crews nowadays don't think its part of their job to clear up vomitus and stuff. They would simply just lock up the toilet, deprieve others paxs from using that toilet and wait for the aircraft cleaners to do it after landing ( cos they think it ONLY the aircraft cleaners job)
I shall not go into details how i cleaned it ( you guys will probably wanna stand 2feets away from me! HAHA) But end of the day, the sink is cleared of vomitus and ready for passengers use.
I "thumb up" to my Leading indicating that the toilet is in working condition now. 20mins later, my Leading motioned me to the galley
"wah lau, not another toilet choked leh? i don't think i can handle two choked toilets in a flight" i wondered
Surprise Surprise Surprise!!!!
She actually wrote a letter of commendation for me!! woo hoo~
Not bad at all..
well, i still don't think i deserve it..i mean C'mon, i'm just doing what im suppose to do,
"yeah yeah, then how come nobody else volunteer to do it?" Tom's asked
well...uhmm..well...ermmm...i dunno
but what the will look nice in my records
so the next time if you wanna puke into the sink, think abt the poor toilet cleaners (including me) who have to clean it up after u!
Monday, May 29, 2006
Zurich trip...
CHOCOLATES~wahhhh, just the sound of it can make my mouth water *droolz*
I simply love Chocolates...
from my profile in friendster:
Queen of Snacking ~ with a humongous craving for milk chocolates, dark chocolates, plain chocolates, nuts with chocolates, fruits with chocolates, liquer chocolates (is it too obvious? *grinz*). The list includes potato chips, ice cream, Boursin Cheese, yogurts, nachos..Bring it on, pple!!!
Switzerland is where Lindt chocolates comes from...yummy~

i didnt even buy alot this time round... still have tons of chocolates left from my Frankfurt trip~
This Tom arh, is saying that i should stop buying him so much chocolates and munchies..
That ungrateful guy!!..haha
The days in Summer time Europe seem to be getting longer and longer..
this is the picture i took from my room at 2102!!!
(if u can make out the timing on the TV!)
yesh! at 2102, the sky is still bright and clear.. and it doesnt help that the sun rise at 0400!
if u calculate, are talking abt 18hrs of mother earth in daylight !!
" It's a long FXXXing day" pple complain i know where it comes from..
So with the outside bright as day, even if its 9pm, moi don't have the feeling to go to bed
(not that i sleep early..bedtime is usually around 3-4am)
the sun set at......... 2145
Woo hoo~ Tom says that actually Asia, including Singapore
have a longer day during summer as well..
? huh?
Just that it's probably a few minuters longer (like moi can tell the difference)
dunno if moi suan or what? My clear day in Zurich happened to be a public holiday there. Imagine all the shops are CLOSED! Shopping malls, supermarkets, shops, eateries, u name it, ALL CLOSED! Sianz arh, just stayed in the room to hibernate with me, myself, and I
Thank god moi bought milk and munchies when i touched down the day before..
Else moi will probably starved and die of hunger pangs in the room ..haha
the whole day was spent watching trashy TV shows, munchies...and and and
and yesh, i finally completed Tom's hair..uhmm.. i referring to my precious moments cross-stitch
>>> the boy's hair is completed!!! yaay~
spent 6hrs just doing the #$!%&$?*# hair!
and believe it anot, moi broke a needle in the progress..Funny~
probably due to irritation
(Grrrr..especially when u counted the number of stitches wrongly..had to undo and re-do)
Come to think of it, its nice to be alone sometimes... like my job, deals with meeting different people, interacting with people and blah blah its kinda nice to just get away for awhile..and be alone..
moi is in a weird mood now~
English: Chocolates
Swedish: choklad
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Creepy Crawly...Gross~
Moi was happily surfing the net when my mom shrieked at the top of her voice (alrite alrite, she didnt)
she just go like "Girl!! GIRLLL!! come and see this!!!!
So moi immediately dashed into the kitchen thinking that there might be some kind of emergency i.e the stove on fire or the chicken burnt or someone jumped from our block
Mom, looking abit hysterical, pointed toward the floor and i saw some green slimy stuff
On closer look, moi realised that they are

(yesh, you read my mind what i think about slimy worms)
In case you are wondering why the worms are decapitated...well, my mom, initially thinking they were just leaves on the FLOOR (i dunno where she get that idea from) tried to brush them away till she realised that green slimy stuff started ozzling out from it...
My mom a.k.a the fearless one
she's the kind of mom
: who can wack cockroaches/flies/ any flying objects with newspapers,
: cleans the fish stomach
: kills crabs by stabbing them with a knife
: claims to have kill and skin chicken with her bare hands in her kampong life (dubious~ dubious~)
And here she is asking me to help get rid of the decapitated worms
as if im braver then her??!!!
moi "quoted on my friendster profile":
Queen of Entomophobia/Insectophobia ~ Fear of insects. Any insects - bees, warts, cockroaches (especially flying ones), spiders and blah blah blah *Arghh, mommy!! Save the Queen!!!*
Oh well, a mom in need, therefore a good daughter indeed
plucked up my courage...and moi to the rescue
"Here i come to save the day ye ye ye~~~~~" (wavering voice)
Darn~ im not gonna use a piece of tissue to pick those up...

Thats how pathetic i was~~ *sweat drop*
Haha, i know...apparently the annual shareholder report has better usage
and good riddance...down the rubbish chute they go!!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Children/babies on(over)board~
If they don't bother me, i wouldnt be bothered with them either.
Yesh, i have friends who go ga ga over babies READ: plump babies. Friends who would made funny noises and go "awwwww, so cute" pinched the fatty cheeks. Friends who cooed over babies and screamed with glee when the baby speak in some funny foreign language that i can't decipher.
No! im not a baby children hater..( is there such a word? hater?)
All that change when i realise that children/babies is gonna be part and parcel of my job.. and its probably gonna remain this way as long as im in this job. Question: And why don't parents change the diaper of a baby after 10hrs? They kinda smell funny and its not a nice smell either..Baby smell nice? utter nonsense..
moi speak from experiences. Trust me~
Moi would put children/babies into two categories.
No, not 1. children and 2.babies
or 1. boys 2. girls
or 1. adorable 2. ugly
(because there's no such thing as a ugly baby..all baby are suppose to be cute, aint they?)
I would probably categorise them into
1. nice 2. not so nice and thats putting it in a nice way
my company says that the children are our future passengers.
and parents appreciate it if you called their children by names and pay attn to them i.e
"hi Sarah, how's your chicken meatball spaghetti meal?"
1. nice small lil ones
They are the ones who make their parents really proud. Not in the sense of academic acheivements, but the ones who knows their P & Qs!
The ones who looked at you in the eyes, smile and say "thank you" when you give them their meals
The ones who asked "May i have a glass of apple juice?"
The ones who say "May i have a coke for my sister as well? she's in the toilet."
The ones who listen to their parents and not make a big fuss when they don't get their way
There was this once when i was so impressed with the upbringing of the children that moi mentioned it to their parents. "Thank you" the mother said while looking at her children with pride.
2. then there are the "not so nice" ones
The ones who cant be bother to look at you when you hand them their child meal, instead concentrating on their games
The ones who scream and run around the plane thinking its a playground
The ones who are so selfish that they fight with their siblings over a small piece of chocolate
The ones who kicked a big fuss and demanded "i want coke i want coke!!" when the parents said no
pple says "children are children"
yah, but that doesnt give you a right to treat pple with disrespect.
But i guess i shouldnt blame the children. Its the parents!
The parents who pampered their children too much that they grow up spoilt
The parents who don't teach their children right from wrong
The parents who let their children have their own way
Its the upbringing of the children that made a difference
So, Moi was flying back from Brisbane, Sunshine coast on sunday..
As usual, flight was packed with parents with infants, children and blah blah blah
This lil one, Hassim was waiting outside the toilet which was just located beside the galley.
He saw me and said "This is a good flight"
I was stunned that a lil one would say this. My Chief enquired further "why is this a good flight?"
I was thinking probably he's gonna say cos we were friendly, we chatted with them, we are nice or we have games and cartoons in our entertainment system.
Hassim said "because you gave out ice-cream onboard!!"
HAHAHA..the innocence of a child~~
Moi then said "we have some extras left. Would you like another one?"
Hassim "Uhh, yes please...may i have one for my sister as well?"
and with that, my chief said i was conned by a lil child..
Friday, May 12, 2006
London trip!!
Before all this, I just wanna give a big thank you huggie to my brother for helping me with the blogskin...THANK YOU!!! really appreciate it.. it took like just 8hrs maybe??..u're not going to charge me your hourly rate, aint u? C'mon we are siblings!!
Finally!! the Long-awaited London trip!! Yaay
(actually it's because i was waiting for the London pictures from Ken..keke)
As usual, i bought a box of Bengawan solo pineapple tarts for Ah Ken. This guy arh, tsk tsk...asked me to smuggle a packet of "Bak kwa" into London. Sorry dude! Customs says "no meat products are allowed into UK" so make do with the pineapple tarts lah..
so DAY1 the famous London duck rice store!! Yummy Droolz
Ken said they gotten some award and stuff..who cares! as long as the food is good..
As usual, we ordered half a duck, roast pork and char siew and a plate of veggies with rice!!
Chomp comp away~

Damn sinful lor..that plate of Duck rice!!
check out the fats!!
========> i deliberately enlarged the picture just so u can see how thick the layer of fat is!!!
uZap is not gonna help burn THAT away!!!
And this is me happily chomping on the sinful and fattening duckie!!!
But dun play play lor...As u guys are aware, the standard of living in London is beri high..
its thus no surprise when the bill for the famous duckie came to around 30pounds
i.e. S$90!!!!!!
But being the nice and sweet Ah Ken, he footed the bill!!
Thanks worr...when u come back in Jun, i promise to bring you eat your favourite dry mee pok noodle!! you can eat as many bowls as u want!! My treat..keke
here's the namecard!! go and give it a try if you are stopping over in London!!
Chef Jasmine moi gives it 4stars!! out of 5 of course
After dinner, we walked around town looking for Marks & Spencer. Moi promise to buy stilton cheese for Tom. It's basically blue cheese.
Wikipedia says : Blue cheese is a generic type of cheese in which veins of Penicillium mold run through the crumbly texture. The cheese itself is not blue, but the veins inside give it blue dots.
Note: I'm not particularly fond of blue cheese but Tom! he absolutely worship blue cheese!!! That's an understatement..he can have it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and in between snacks.. that's how much he LOVES blue cheese..i wouldnt be surprised if he loves Blue cheese more than me!! (Jas to Tom>> just kidding) its definitely an acquired taste for pple like me...
So back to the story, Ah Ken and moi was walking around looking for Stilton cheese. (Jas to Ken>> hey,thanks for combing the whole of London looking for stilton cheese..keke, just few hours of walking only mah..can help burn off the fats from the duckie meal earlier)..
till now, he's so amazed about the amount of blue cheese i bought..
Wah lau, so many choices leh..and it doesnt help there's so many brands and varieties!! there's medium stilton cheese, mature stilton cheese, mild stilton cheese!!! still have all the award winning Stilton cheese leh!!
(hmmm, mabbe thats why Tom had to eat Stilton cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner... issit too much??)
Cukoo coo coo...
woke up at 8am
( fyi, the sun rises at 4.30am in the morning and sets at 9pm during about a long day!!)
TODAY is the day we are going to Stonehenge!!! Yaay!!!
Met up with Ah Ken..woo hoo~ on our way to the main train station to get our tickets *excited*
Ah Ken initially wanted to get the tickets online..But the train we were suppose to hop on was no longer reflected in the website. In the end, we had to get the tickets personally from the main train station.
When we got to the ticketing booth, imagine our surprise when the guy behind the counter informed us that the train line heading to Stonehenge was currently undergoing some engineering works!!! WHAT!!!!
and i was so looking forward to Stonehenge *crushed*
the alternate route will be to take another train, change and then change to another bus or something!!
travelling time = 4hrs to reach there and another 4hrs back!!
which doesnt make any sense since the direct route just takes 90mins!!... ARGHHH
Apparently, the tube undergo engineering work once or twice a month..( am i lucky or what?) and its always on a SUNDAY!!
like Sunday is the day when there will be more pple travelling right??
They even closed the line to Healthrow airport!! i find that hard to comprehend...imagine the Singapore MRT closing for engineering work on Sunday!! i bet there will be lotsa angry protests and complaints coming from Singaporeans (maybe another white elephant saga?)
Will our plans ruined, we decided to go shopping downtown. Yupz...more Stilton cheese for Tom
*where's my stonehenge?* SIGHZZZZDinner was at this Malaysia joint serving nasi padang
so here we are (moi understand from Ah Ken that this place is like the famous malay food joint in London)
Geez, am i lucky? two days and i have been to two of the most famous asian eateries in London..
The redang beef and curry chicken are not bad, but not fantastic either.
Not the kind that makes you go like
"wahhhh!! Shiok~~" with a blissful look
The redang in Singapore probably taste better!
I mentioned that to Ah Ken and he was like "HELLO!! This is London leh! you should be happy there's beef redang to makan"
Well, at least they had teh tarik!!
With that, my London trip came to a nice ending..except "WHERE"S MY STONEHENGE??!!"
*throw my fists in the air* Grrrrr
anyway, Ah Ken promise to bring me to Stonehenge on my next London trip
*promise worr* pinky swear...
and Ah Ken===> Yesh, i heard you..the next time i come to London, i'll buy you your favourite " Chicken in a biscuit"
apparently its not found in the supermarket shelves over in LONDON!!??!!
Weird ~~
Thursday, May 11, 2006
New Blogskin for my boggie
trying to find a blogskin for my bloggie
cant decide whether i want it to be simple? Anime? Dark? or cute?
my current u can tell is a standard blogskin provided by Blogger.. Thought of changing it long time ago..Just couldnt decide on which blog skin to use..
And it doesnt help that you must have some knowledge in HTML or whatevernots to change it
hope to make up my mind soon..Sighz

New Shoes & New cross-stitch!!

(yesh, i noe..its hard to match clothes with pink shoes.. unless your wardrobe is filled with pink clothes like mine..keke)
Ermmm, looks abit dirty cos i wore them immediately after i bought them
This is my second pair of Birkenstock shoes.. the first one was bought in Singapore at the Wheelock store for S$119!!! Only when i started flying did i realise that it's so much cheaper to buy them from Frankfurt.
Not only are the prices cheaper, they provide excellent services as well.
This pair cost only 28Euros i.e S$56..furthermore we can claim 2Euro tax rebate: Nett price S$52!!
They are really comfortable. I SWEAR!!!
Since im going to Frankfurt again next month, if you wanna purchase a pair of Birkenstock shoes..just leave me a msg lah!! I getting a pair for my mommy and myself (again)..Haha
I'm just starting on a new cross stitch for Tom..and its no bigger surprise cos he chose the pattern himself..
Hope to get it done by our anniversary..
Trouble is : So far, i only managed 11stitches!! in a timeframe of a month
So Pathetic right!!
*blow off the cobwebs and dust*
Funny thing was, I brought it with me when i'm outstation thinking that i'll just stay in the room and work on it. But shopping and laying in bed watching TV seems more appealing than "stitching precious moments patterns"!!!
And yesh, i pricked my fingers twice just doing that 11 stitches!!!
nimble fingers and clutzy me just don't go hand in hand.. Geez~
Jasmine to Jasmine : 加油!!!!!GANBATTE!!!!
i will definitely keep you guys updated on my progess!! my previous blog, i mentioned that i'll put up pictures of my London trip..
Still awaiting someone *hint hint* to send me the pictures..haha
English: Cross Stitch
Swedish: Korsstygn
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
just logged on to MSN. Immediately, i received an IM from Veron. Apparently, Ken asked her to contact me, enquiring whether im still interested in the Stonehenge trip
(Jas to Ken :Aiyah, cannot contact me directly meh? your gf is a busy woman leh!!)

Yesh, i'll be flying to London this coming friday
"Yaay, i'll be away on the 6th may!!...Ermmmm *cleared throat* i mean it's so sad that i will be away to witness this moment"
anyway, back to the Stonehenge thingy. I think i casually mentioned to Ken last month whether he's interested to go to Stonehenge. It's finally summer in Europe! A good time to go sightseeing, (till i check the temp in London today: 10 to 18 degrees, showers!! Darn~)
So, this Ken, he has been living in London for almost 4years? and he never been to Stonehenge!!! One of the wonders of the world!! and being the nice and sweet me, i decided to accompany him on this historical visit.
The truth: i wanna go to Stonehenge and i kinda ask him nicely i.e force him to go with me..
Evil me...muahahaha
Just wrote him a mail informing him on my arrival date and time so he can go and buy tickets for the Stonehenge trip. Hopefully, the weatherman will be on our side when we go there and i'll promise to take some really nice pictures.
Time to jog around the neighbourhood!! I feel so LAZY!!! Arghhhhh....
gimme Clarin's firming cream anytime!! My team girl swear by it..