All of you are the Greatest, the Best of the best!!
Please give yourselves a Big Pat on the back!!
*Big pat*
Of cos, i think MY MOM is the World's Greatest Mom... HAHA.
In fact, everyone thinks THEIR OWN MOM is the World's Greatest Mom~
and every mom deserve the "Best Cook in the World" title.
My favourite meal : Mom's 爱心 cooking
Maybe that's why i feel much closer to my mom!! HAHA
(Sista and Bro follow my Daddy)
As they always say,
"if you wanna know how the girl look like in 30years, look at the mommy"
My mom looks really great for someone who's in her mid fifties. So Tom, that's how im gonna look in 30years time!! *winkz*
Mommy always lament that she's too plump...and I'll exclaimed"But mommy, You are not plump. Mommies are suppose to look like this. Round and homely!! And it's so much nicer to hug and cuddle!! How can you expect me to hug a mommy who look like Victoria Beckham, skinny as a stick insect??"
Having said that, moi harboured the thought that when one day i become a mommy myself, i wanna look like those chic and fab mommies. Think of Mommy Angelina Jodie or Mommy Christy Chung. Of cos i know they probably spend hours in the gym with their personal trainers working their arses off. Or maybe the professional slimming treatments from Marie France that Christy Chung endorse really work wonders after all.
Yesh. I contradict myself sometimes.
Here i am telling my mom that mommies should look plump and homely when on the other hand, i swear to god that i will never wanna look so auntie when i become a mommy someday.
I'm so vain -_-
Anyway, on this special day, i just wanna say
Thank you so much for all the sacrifices you made for the family, all the 爱心早餐 !
"Mommy, I love you!!!"
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