We paid ard S$350/person which i thought was a really good deal.
The downside? Taking the 4hours bus ride and 2hours ferry there.
For those cash rich people, you might probably wanna book a flight up from Singapore Changi airport to Tioman which probably takes less than an hour.
Im a poor person...
So there we were, outside Golden mile at 5.45 in the morning waiting for the bus to bring us across the causeway to Tanjong Gemok Ferry terminal...
All tired and sleepy (had just 3 hours of beauty sleep)
(How did Tom look so awake and fresh so early in the morning baffled moi)

I must say that the 4hours bus journey and the 2 hours ferry ride wasnt as bad as i thought.
Moi didnt get bus sick or sea sick along the way, which was a good thing.
And i was half asleep most of the time.
We reach Berjaya Tioman around 3pm.
(The schedule says the ferry departs at 12noon. IT'S NOT TRUE!!)
The beautiful scenery that greets us.
*count our lucky stars*
Without a second to lose, we dumped our bags, changed into our beachwear and head out to explore our surroundings.
15hours of uninterrupted sleep!
We blame it on the too comfy queen size bed.
DAY 2:
Complimentary brekkie from 7.30am to 10.30am
They provide a good array of both local and western delights!
At the end of the day, i was getting really brown and Tom looks the same!! @-@
I attribute it to our asian skin. It's able to absorb so much of that sunlight in that 20mins.
Asians tend to turn brown while blonde caucasians in general turn a golden tan colour when they are out in the sun .
TOM? he got sun burnt from all the sun!! KEKE
After all the sun, we rent two bikes to cycle around the Berjaya area.
In some areas, moi actually had to dismount and push my bike up the slopes.
But hey, the last time i rode a bike was like 10years ago so give me some credit lah!
We make it back in time to see the beautiful sunset
we planned to go snorkeling this morning but decided to cancel the trip as both of us woke up with stomach upset.
Picture taken without flash. I hate taking photos without flash. It look so grainy!
YESH TOM! You were right. Chelsea won.
Big deal :P
yupz, I'm a head shorter!! Now you know who always get bullied and who's the big bully!!
DAY 4...
Last day of our holiday! Sob~
Remember that i mentioned earlier in the blog that it only rained once the whole time we were in Tioman? AND did YOU know when it rained? YESH! Just when we were checking out from the resort. Talk about perfect timing!! We had to struggle with our baggies while holding on to the umbrella.
It's also damn farnie because the rain stopped once we reached the reception.
Note: Alrite..i didnt wanna pen this down but Tom said that he'll mentioned it in the comment section if i didnt. So here goes, We got off the bus at Golden mile and immediately flagged an empty cab behind. While in the cab, i realise my camera was not in my bag. Initally, i was like "Tom, Did you take the camera? Its not funny!! Give it back to me". Tom was giving me this blank look. Then it dawned on moi that i might have dropped it in the bus. I think moi went hysterical. The cab driver was really kind. He spotted the bus in front and told us that he will try and overtake the bus while we'll signal to the bus driver to pull aside. What happen next was kinda like those high speed cars chase, with the cab driver honking at the bus, and Tom unwinding the window and shouting at the bus driver to stop.
Me? i was still in shock
Damn dramatic horr...In the end, the camera was indeed on the floor (probably dropped it as i felt asleep).
Thank goodness!!! I could never forgive myself if i had lost it.
All the Tioman photos, the camera which was a birthday gift from Tom.
So it's all a good ending in the end.
There! I mentioned it, Tom. Happy? =P
Quite scary isn't it? Jasmine panics and freezes when faced with disaster...
Pray you are never on her flight if something should happen!(choi choi choi!! knock on wood! ;)
But still!!
Captin Crook
omg!!! how can u drew calsberg!! LOLOL probably the worst beer in the world hahaha
wah...you very tan leh....~clarissa
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