Nothing unusual anyway. I'm used to working on Public holidays... Like CNY this year? moi was in Zurich eating pasta while my family were visiting relatives and chomping on CNY goodies.
Sometimes life just ain't fair.
When i was working in a 9-5 office job, the days that i looked forward to are the weekends, the public holidays and of cos, our month-end pay day. Labour Day was just like any public holidays. I didn't really care about the significance of Labour Day just that i don't have to go to work on that day.
So what's Labour Day? I mean, why do we celebrate Labour day?
wikipedia says: A Labour Day is an annual holiday celebrated all over the world that resulted from efforts of the labour union movement, to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. The celebration of Labour Day has its origins in the eight hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. On 21 April 1856 Stonemasons and building workers on building sites around Melbourne, Australia , stopped work and marched from the University of Melbourne to Parliament House to achieve an eight hour day. Their direct action protest was a success, and they are noted as the first organized workers in the world to achieve an eight hour day with no loss of pay, which subsequently inspired the celebration of Labour Day and May Day.
There are actually alot more interesting stuff that came up in the search. Like how each country have their own origins of Labour Day or May Day or International Workers' Day and how they are celebrated in different countries and so forth. In fact, some countries doesn't even celebrate Labour Day on 1st May!! e.g Labour Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September in Canada since the 1880s.
I choose to mention the Labour day origins from Australia. I just love the idea of fighting for "eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest"
In Singapore, its probably like 16hours of work, 6hours of sleep and 2 hours of travelling to and fro from office to home. HAHAHAHAHA
I know i exaggerate here.. But still, i mean u have to agree with me on this. All the talk about work life balance are just crap. The employers just doesn't care!
Sighz, no more public holidays for me till i go back to a 9-5 office job
Anyway, my flight came back ard 7pm and Tom was so sweet to come to the airport and pick me up!! We decided to have dinner at the airport.
Big mistake! The airport was jammed packed with people and families and children running around. It's so weird.
Can someone explain to me why people go to the airport on public holiday for dinner?
The queue at Swensen was ridiculously long. We went up to the 3rd floor where other restaurants were located and it's all packed with people queueing to go in.
I mean it's a public holiday!! ain't people suppose to stay at home, cook dinner and enjoy a family get together thingy? I'm still baffled why people goes to the airport just for dinner. And please don't even get me started on why students go there to study either.
On the other hand, Lily mentioned that Mervyn, Isaiah and herself goes to the airport every weekend cos Isaiah likes to look at planes. Oh well, maybe the airport is a family outing place... Top of the list, in fact..judging by the crowd that's goes there every weekend.
In the end, Tom and moi had Ramen in Terminal 1.
(we wanted to eat at Popeye's but the place was equally packed as well).
Moi ordered the Volcano Ramen while Tom ordered the Tom yam Ramen.
Lemme tell you, the volcano Ramen was mind blowing spicy!!! and this coming from the girl who call herself chili padi.....
It's the only Ramen on the menu that has "4 chili padi"

And it's still so bloody SPICY!!!

Have you ever experience that kind of feeling when you cant even feel any sensation on your tongue?
just numbness~

Check out the layer of chili oil in my Ramen soup!!
In the end, i had to dump all my noodles into Tom's Tom Yam Ramen...
My stomach started to feel really weird an hour later. You know that kind of feeling when u ate too much spicy food and your stomach is starting to protest. Moi had to drink Vitagen and a glass of milk after that. Tom says it will help..
No more volcano Ramen for me..
I'll just stick to my plain miso soup base Ramen....
For the dare devils, maybe you'll like to give it a try!! Jia you worr~
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