
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Till death and never be apart?

Saw this interesting picture on ST 2days back. Something about some anthropologist digging up two human bones in embrace, the first ever found in history.
This pictures does says alot about the love the couple have for each other.

"till death and never be apart"

It will be interesting to find out how they died (cause of death?)... Poisoned themselves like Romeo & Juliet? or natural causes? which seems unlikely...

Another article that caught moi's eyes was about mixed marriage in Singapore.
i'm kinda surprise that only 337 chinese females married caucasians in 2005.
Kinda expected a higher number, judging from the number of mixed couples i see on the streets.

When Tom & moi first got together, alot of pple were very skeptical and judgmental about our relationship.

One very very obvious reason was him being a gwei lo (cantonese term for Caucasian people) and moi, a chinese. The term "Oh, you're a SPG!!!" will inevitably pops up.
SPG a.k.a Sarong Party Girl - a derogatory Singaporean term describing a local Asian woman who exclusively dates and prefers Caucasian men

It makes me really really hopping mad when that happens.

Moi remembered bumping into an old friend while out shopping
Moi: Hey, long time no see!! how are you??
Old fren: I'm good! how are you?
then blah blah blah...after awhile,
Old fren: hey, is that your boyfriend photo that i saw in friendster?
moi: yupz, that's Tom!
Old fren: Oh god, Jasmine, you changed're different now...
(The last time i checked, i'm still the same ol' me.. Nothing changes)
moi (confused) : I'm different?
Old fren: Ya, you're now date Ang mohs..You're like those SPGs....

I never talk to that Old fren anymore~

Why are pple so damn sterotype?
Excuse moi, just because my boyfriend is an Ang moh does not label me as a SPG!
So stop FXXXing called me that!!

Isnt it interesting that in this 21st century, alot of people (especially the older generations) still can't accept mixed couples? One of them being my dad for example..

My other colleague who date an Australian guy related how she and her boyfriend were spat at in Chinatown by this chinese old man who shouted in her face "You are a disgrace to us chinese!!!!"


I can understand how she felt at that time. Although i didnt have the misfortune of being spat at by some idiotic morons, i can assure you moi have my fair share of "chinese-with-angmohs" haters.
people give you a dirty look wherever you go, they scrutinize the clothes you wear, the way you walk and talk....JUST because you are holding hands with a white guy.
Back then, it used to bother me alot. Now im kinda bo chap about it..In fact, when i see some moron openly staring at us, moi will smile at him and give a wave that's gonna make the Queen proud..after which, he will looked away, with embarrassment
The things i do to keep myself amused..haha

Tom and moi have been together for a year plus liao. Most of my friends and family have changed their views on our relationship. Except My Dad.
(No, he's not the old man who spat and screamed "you're a disgrace to us chinese) HAHA

My Dad is the strict traditional conservative one who exclaimed "why can't you find a decent chinese boyfriend?!?!" when my mommy first told him about Tom.
When i explained that humans are the same everywhere in the world and colour is just but skin deep, he merely grunted and walked away..
Sighz, it's so difficult to talk to him sometimes~

Tom will be coming over for CNY reunion dinner this year and i sure hope Dad will be civilise to him when he's here.

Ermm, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY everyone!!!

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