
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Jasmine's latte~

Presenting "Jasmine's latte"Wahhhhh~ ultra cool leh
Thanks to Shir Lee who taught moi how to make a nice Cafe Latte..
It's pretty easy actually! Just foam up the milk, pour a shot of espresso slowly into the hot milk (It helps if you have steady hands) and Presto!
The perfect Cafe Latte...

Headed to the hotel gym when i was in Seoul! I've made good my 2007 resolution to stay healthy and eat healthier food so far! Eat healthier food means munching on carrot sticks and celery when i have cravings for snacks. Been also making a point to do a daily routine of toning up exercise for the past week. Havent see any results so far but hey! miracles don't happen overnight right?

It's so easy to gain weight! but losing that few kgs takes REAL EFFORT AND DETERMINATION
(SHIT, just succumb to temptation and munched on a packet of potato chips while writing this blog!)
After gym, moi walked over (in the freezing cold: -7 degrees) for real Korean food.
As usual, i ate everything up -_-

It's super duper nice to eat hot and spicy soup during winter.
I dunno why actually, maybe it's the sight of the steaming smoke rising from my spicy beef soup? or maybe cos my fingers and nose are numb from the unmerciless cold wind?

The feeling of eating hot food when it's minus zero degree outside is PRICELESS.

How i wish Singapore has four seasons! Imagine the whole of Singapore covered in fluffy white snow...isnt it nice?
When passengers asked what's the weather like in Singapore, moi always tell them: "it's either hot and getting hotter or wet and getting wetter"
I despise the weather in Singapore...hmm, mabbe despise is too strong a word, Alrite..i don't like the weather in Singapore...its too hot, too stuffy and too humid!
And you cant dress up! Imagine wearing a leather jacket under the scorching 35degrees heat? You either faint from heat stroke or be labelled "crazy leh! in this heat? leather jacket?!?!" by passerbys.

Four seasons are so nice~
But with the destruction of the enviroment, "most likely" due to humans, maybe some day, there wouldnt even be four seasons in the world

Depressing huh?

Im losing my train of thots today...hmm, what started with jasmine's latte ended with the destruction of the enviroment

Sighz, the Queen is in a weird mood again~

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