
"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "

Tracy Chapman - Change

Monday, February 26, 2007

Gong xi!! Gong xi!! show me the ang pows~

hmmm...realised that i haven put up any new posts for the past week...
Not that i didnt have any interesting stuff to write about. In fact, i've have got tons of stuff to share..

Reunion dinner at my place went well. THANK GOD! *phew*
Dad was ultra nice to Tom, meeting him for the second time (i shant mention about the first meeting. THAT WAS A TOTAL DISASTER!!!)

I guess Dad has finally accepted Tom, judging from his body language. In fact my Dad offered him a can of Carlsberg beer!! This is very significant because
My Dad will only offer beer to people he likes.
Yupz, so that kinda sum up how my Dad feels about Tom now
*keeping my fingers crossed*

Dinner was the typical steamboat, with whatevernots throw into the cookpot to simmer. Not much conversation between Tom and my parents because of the language barrier.
My parents don't speak English and Tom's mandarin is...ermmm...u noe lah~

My Dad is so funny. He kept asking moi whether the steamboat is fine with Tom because, in his own words "Ang mohs only eat beef and potatoes!!". Moi was like "DAD~ they eat anything. Morever, Tom has been living in Singapore for the past 8years"
BTW, Tom's favourite local dish is the Qiu Lian tom yam u~mee in Bedok. Even the stall owner knows him. She'll go like "tom yam, u~ mee, no anchovies"

Dad kept offering Tom more beer and mommy was like "don't keep forcing him to drink"
"But all Ang mohs love to drink beer!!" Dad replied
I wondered where my Dad gets all his "so called theories" from..
like "ang mohs only eat beef and potatoes?" "ang mohs love to drink beer?"
must be too much TV shows, teach people the wrong stuff lah

After dinner, moi pulled out all the old school/family photos to show Tom. Found a really nice passport picture of mom and dad. They look so young back then
Some of my relatives said moi looked more like my dad, while others said i look more like my mom. Like duh~ obviously i'll look like either of them right? They are like my parents lor. The ones who make my existence in this world possible.

I had relatives who commented that i don't look like either one of them!! @_@

Tom asked moi to make a soft copy of all the photos, just in case something happens to them. I guess he's right because some of photos are starting to fade and turn yellow.. and these are photos that are like 30-45years old!!! *gasp*

He kept poking fun of the photos i took in my teens (That was like 10-15years ago). Truthfully, i don't blame him either. You know how it's like when you see photos of your adolescence years. You cringed and wondered "WTF was i thinking back then? those clothes? those make ups?"

My thoughts exactly~
(i can't wait to get my hands on Tom's adolescence photos! i bet i'll have a fit!! HAHA)

CNY Day 1 was fun eventhough moi had to report for my Zurich flight at 11.30pm. Relatives and "long time no see"cousins came over to our place for dinner.

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