I know I'm like 5days late but oh well.. Been kinda busy lately
Moi and Tom spent our New Year eve countdown at home with a simple meal. I'm not sure why actually. We could have gone downtown and celebrate the New Year countdown with a few millions people. But the thought of being squashed like sardines, long queues in practically every shops, problem getting home just seem such a turnoff. Issit cos I'm getting older and having a good time just doesn't interest moi anymore? Or am i becoming lazier n lazier n lazier every new year? Geez~
It was wonderful spending New year eve with Tom at home. We even dressed up for the occasion!
Tom pouring the rose Sparkling wine

Dinner was delicious. Pan fried Salmon with Stir fried veggies and mashed potatoes. Made by us truly.

A Big cheer for 2009!!! :)

Sorry peeps!! Well, hopefully in the near future, we'll be able to have a NEW YEAR countdown together!! THE WHOLE FAMILY!! Tom's dad promise to buy moi big big fireworks if we have a New Year countdown in Sweden together. ALRIGHT... He didn't. But *hint hint hint* :P

My poly kakis popped over our place for a gathering on New Year Day.
Moi finally FINALLY put my mahjong set to good use!! Wahhaha
BTW, i won one "zi moh" lor!!! So so excited leh!!! Moi was jumping up and down while all my friends were giving me this "duhhh" look.

Moi finally FINALLY put my mahjong set to good use!! Wahhaha
BTW, i won one "zi moh" lor!!! So so excited leh!!! Moi was jumping up and down while all my friends were giving me this "duhhh" look.

Moi was trying to get Tom to play Mahjong (he knows how to play kaay!!!!) but thinks he is shy.
*cough cough*
With all my good friends. We were actually looking at another camera when Darren decided to take this shot cos he claimed "it looks more candid"
Ermmmm... like HELLLOOOOO???
Speaking of which, my good fren, Veron IS PREGS!!! Congrats Congrats Congrats to my good friends VERON & KEN!!! She's like 4months pregnant now. Come next month, she'll know whether it's a boy or a girl. Lily mentioned that if you could see the mommy's waist from behind or something, then it's a boy. So anyway, Lily says it's gonna be a girl. We shall wait and see.

Ermmmm... like HELLLOOOOO???

"Moi and Tom spent our New Year eve countdown at home with a simple meal. I'm not sure why actually."
Yeah right! :) And here I thought I had suggested going for a nice romantic dinner and do more than sit at home, for the past two-three months!! :P
And who was saying she was 'lazy' to go out this whole while?
Hmph! Then try to pretend that "dunno why didn't go out"... fei hua! ;)
Tom tom!
haha...wahaha~~~Tom knows :
"fei hua"haha~~~haha~~~
I missed the outing!!wahhh~~~sad manz!
I m sure she is up there well taken care of,dear.
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