"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "
Tracy Chapman - Change
Friday, January 16, 2009
for Babee: French twist!
STEP 1 : Tie a low ponytail Step 2 : Twist the ponytail about 4inches
STEP 3 : Twist it up. Im right handed so it's easier for moi to twist it to the right. If you're left handed, then you twist to the left
Step 4 : Start pushing your twist to the right
Step 5: push the pony tail into the middle of the twist Step 6: Push the remaining of the ponytail in to the middleStep 7: Comb the sides to make it neaterStep 8: Usually you'll get a "hump" at the top of your twist. Just comb it to make it neater.Step 9: Start pinning your twist. Use these "U pins" as they are easier to use.
Use as many as possible to make it more secureThis is how it look from the back The sideTata!! The front.It's really easy. Just practice practice and practice :)
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