you know how when you're at work, u bun up ur hair so no one really notice how long my hair was.. Then, we meet up for dinner and they'll go like "Wow, Jasmine...Your hair is really really long"
most of the times, they'll say my hair is really nice, straight and soft and asked moi which brand of shampoo i use... (It's Asience , btw..Cheap and good)
The last time i went for a haircut was probably like a year ago? That long huh..
Tom said that hairstylists hates people like us cos...
1. it's a hassle to trim long hair
2. takes longer to wash and blow dry
3. we only patronise the shop like once a year...which is true!
The hair stylist will usu advise people like us to snip off more of our hair
HAIR STYLIST: "See, cutting 3inches off wouldnt get rid of all the split ends. You'll have to trim off maybe 5 inches"
Thats what happen to moi! The hair stylist probably cut off 6 inches of my hair.. It's not really a bigger, considering that my hair was really long before. My head definitely feel much lighter now after the hair cut..

and Tom doesnt make things better by saying "Your hair is so short!"
Went to catch the movie 300 after the haircut..It's really a great movie
Movie 300 was really graphic...especially the battle, the bloodshed and the omg, sex scene!!!
I think it was rated M18 or something...quite interesting that they didnt censor certain parts of the movie..which was a huge relief.
Don't you just hate it when you watch a movie, and then suddenly the scene just jump from this part to another part just cos the censorship dept decided to cut it off due to "being unsuitable for the eyes of Singaporeans"
Like Hello, i'm sure there's much worse stuff in the internet
Go and watch the movie...It's 180minutes of time well spent
and you'll get to learn about history along the way..
1 comment: cut your hair at last!!!
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