Anyway, moi got a neat trick for the ladies in the house!!
To make the most stubborn eyelashes curl up and open up our beautiful eyes.
Im not sure about you people but i always have a problem with my eyelashes. It just wouldnt curl up! No matter how many times i curl them with an eyelash curler. They will just fall flat down within a few seconds. And all the adverts about the "so called max curling strength mascara", the "Ultimate eyelash curler" and blah blah blah are just bullshit.
(I'm sure there's certain brand of mascara or curlers that have wonderful curling power but nothing works on mine)
The method that my colleague taught moi is really effective!! And it beats perming your eyelashes (which btw, last for a couple of days before your eyelashes starts turning fuzzy)
Best of all!! It works..and you don't have to fork out money to buy extra stuff..
I was debating whether to buy those electronic eyelash curlers that i saw in Japan when my colleagues said it's a total waste of money (cost like S$30+ leh)
She said: Simply use the hair dryer (set it to hot air please!) and hold it against the eyelash curler for a couple of seconds. On the mouth of the curler, not the whole curler..Then just use it as how you normally curl your lashes. Please PLEASE make sure it's not too hot.. i dun want you guys suing me if your burn ur eyelid or something =P
(hmmm...maybe i shld put a liability clause here!! HAHA)
It kinda work like those electronice eyelash curler just that you are using the hot air from the hair dryer to heat it up.
The results!!

Not sure if it's a good idea to do it sure its not too good for the lashes..
Oh well, The price of wanting to look pretty~
Took a picture of Tom's sky blue eyes...keke
Yupz, i absolutely loves his eyes...

haha..tried that b4 years ago...nearly burned myself.OUCH!!
haha..but it really works...even pro make-up artist do that..
Hi Pei Ling Sis,
This reminds me of the fake eyelashes you gave me! Really like them cos they make my eyelashes much longer (except that it is fake lar :p) But hor, the glue is a pain to take off though... Yup, thank you so much for the great recommendation!
- Christine
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