Why can't people walked that few extra steps just to throw a piece of used tissue or maybe plastic cup into the trashbin?
It's not like we have a shortage of litter bins in Singapore. Do we?
A recent interview conducted revealed that 15% of Singaporeans litter due to a lack of bins, 18% due to the belief that others would pick up the rubbish for them, and 20% due to plain laziness.
Littering is probably something that icked moi the most.
I can't stand it when people don't give a damn about keeping the enviroment clean.
And it's an eyesore when i see streets, corridors, beautiful beaches littered with tons and tons of trash.
On New Year day, moi and Tom were having lunch at our regular coffeeshop. So this middle-aged man came and sat infront of our table. He picked out a persimon from a plastic bag and started chewing on it. Without any sort of hesitation, *kaput* he spitted out the layer of skin...and of cos it landed on the grass below. Then he threw the seed onto the grass as well, and continued on attacking the second persimon.
Now, moi and Tom were just sitting behind and watching the whole thing.
Nope, he's not trying to plant a persimon tree by throwing that seed onto the grass.
My temper immediately flared up. Yesh, im very quick tempered and seeing things like this pissed me off totally.
So wat did moi do? I took out my handy camera and started taking photos of him!!!!!

Yupz, at least moi nice enough to blur out his face
(and protect myself from getting my arse sued )
People like him, with no care of the enviroment should walked down the Hall of Shame, don't u agree?
When we left the coffeeshop, moi went up to him and said, in a nice sarcastic voice "UNCLE, please do not litter!" and walked off
Tom said that the AXXHOLE was staring hard at moi as i walked off. What a pity, i would have snapped more pictures and posted it.
See, thats why children grow up thinking it's alrite to litter.
they learned it from their parents
It's not like we have a shortage of litter bins in Singapore. Do we?
A recent interview conducted revealed that 15% of Singaporeans litter due to a lack of bins, 18% due to the belief that others would pick up the rubbish for them, and 20% due to plain laziness.
Littering is probably something that icked moi the most.
I can't stand it when people don't give a damn about keeping the enviroment clean.
And it's an eyesore when i see streets, corridors, beautiful beaches littered with tons and tons of trash.
On New Year day, moi and Tom were having lunch at our regular coffeeshop. So this middle-aged man came and sat infront of our table. He picked out a persimon from a plastic bag and started chewing on it. Without any sort of hesitation, *kaput* he spitted out the layer of skin...and of cos it landed on the grass below. Then he threw the seed onto the grass as well, and continued on attacking the second persimon.
Now, moi and Tom were just sitting behind and watching the whole thing.
Nope, he's not trying to plant a persimon tree by throwing that seed onto the grass.
My temper immediately flared up. Yesh, im very quick tempered and seeing things like this pissed me off totally.
So wat did moi do? I took out my handy camera and started taking photos of him!!!!!
(and protect myself from getting my arse sued )
People like him, with no care of the enviroment should walked down the Hall of Shame, don't u agree?
When we left the coffeeshop, moi went up to him and said, in a nice sarcastic voice "UNCLE, please do not litter!" and walked off
Tom said that the AXXHOLE was staring hard at moi as i walked off. What a pity, i would have snapped more pictures and posted it.
See, thats why children grow up thinking it's alrite to litter.
they learned it from their parents
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