check out this webbie!!
yupz! featuring the (in)famous rude Singaporeans in action..
whether its leaning against the MRT pole depriving others from holding to the pole to littering in public, this webbie has it all!! best of all?
Pictures Pictures PICTURES to shame them!!!!
This is definitely gonna work because......
Singaporeans don't like to lose face mah! 真丢脸喔!!
(Disclaimer: although i must admit that some of them might not even be Singaporeans)
The funniest one was this car parking at the lot for motorcycles!
Like duh~~ get real
im sure once in awhile(pretty often for me though), we might encounter rude people. This incident happened to me a couple of months ago.
Tom and moi were taking the MRT from town back home to the eastern side of Singapore. Upon reaching Cityhall interchange, the timing was just nice that the train at the opposite side was there as well. As usual, people start making a mad dash for the awaiting train. (which i seriously don't understand!! if you miss the train then just wait for another train right? i mean whats the hurry? 赶去头胎啊??)
So we were walking toward the train when this lady in her mid 30s literally pushed moi from behind while talking aloud "You think this is your mother's house arh? walk so slowly"
i was astonished!
I mentioned it to Tom and he said i should have pushed her back immediately. We made it to the same train as well while walking at NORMAL PACE! The more i think about it, the more agitated i was. I started to feel my temperature rising. So moi went over to this person and told her nicely that she should'nt have behaved in that manner. She resorted "SO RUDE!"
That was how hopeless she was
Even thinking about it now makes my blood boils. I don't think i was wrong in any way (unless you count walking at normal pace to an awaiting train is an offence)
you know how afterwards your mind starts thinking about how the situation might turn out differently
Scene 1
rude lady pushed moi while making a mad dash for the train
moi pushed her back and see her sprawling on the floor..MUAHAHAHA!
Scene 2
moi:Excuse me, what you said just now is not very nice
rude lady : So rude
moi : Not as rude as you, you FXXXing BITCH!!! (shout at the top of my lung!!!)
Scene 3
moi:Excuse me, what you said just now is not very nice
rude lady : So rude
moi : *whipped out my camera, take a picture of her and post it in*
Yesh, im still thinking about it.........
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