Moi flying off to Zurich for 6days!! yaay~ more Lindt chocolates!!!
I think moi a pretty neat person when its comes to packing my stuff!!

Tom: from the amount of luggages you bring, it's like you're emigrating to another country. Heck, i didnt even bring so much stuff over when i came to Singapore!
But you know lah, Girls have so much more stuff i.e toiletries, bath salt to soak in the tub, foot scrub, mask, snacks, entertainment and blah blah blah..
It's almost winter in Europe as well, must pack all my winter clothing too!!
My Baa Baa~~ i wish i could bring you along~
But i need space for my Lindt Chocolates! 真对不起

Packing is easy. The most hated part is painting my nails!! Arghhhh!!!!! They take so bloody long to dry!
See the amount of stuff i put on my nails...yupz...6layers in all!! including 2 coats of nails polish!!
i have really soft and brittle nails. And if i kena galley work, i can practically say bye bye to my already ultra short nails! I like OPI proucts because they don't stain my nails as much as the other brands and they don't dry out in the bottle as fast as the rest! i could probably used almost 3/4 of a bottle before they get really hard to apply.
Time for nappie!! Its gonna be a long flight....bleah~
moi will be back on Sat!!
stay tuned!