What's with Ang Moh and Durians?
You should see how Tom react whenever he pass by a durian stall
The look on his face is simply priceless..
he will just grab my hand and drag me as fast as possible out of the "hellish" zone
and i bet he was holding his breath all the while.....
Durians, let me tell you, can be smelled from yards away. Despite its great local popularity, it is forbidden from some establishments such as hotels, subways and airports, including public transportation in Singapore (picture from the MRT)To him (and i believe, many other Ang mohs), the King of fruit is possible the most disgusting thing in the world
and the smell? Phew~~ smell like poo poo, sewage, rotten eggie and watever watever nots
To me? It's THE MOST delicious thing in the whole world
the wift of the fragrant smell, the rich custard-like flesh richly creamy,
the aroma pronounced and the flavour highly complex.
what more could i say? "GIMME A DURIAN!!!"
"Gross, disgusting, pervasive scent of decay" is how Tom describe the durian smell
(ermm, did i mention that Tom said my fart last night was better than the durian smell..oppsie~)
Anyway, he made me promise to never ever bring durians back home! 不公平
I mean if i can eat blue cheese (and i hate blue cheese!!!) because Tom loves Blue cheese,
ermmm, why cant he eat durians because i LOVE DURIANS?
there's some sort of inbalance here if you ask me
So just the other day, Tom and Moi were taking the MRT home from Cityhall when both of us smelled durians nearby. We scanned the surrounding crowd and pinpoint the culprits. This inconsiderate "Not PAISEH" couple obviously bought a durian cake and were standing a few meters from us!
Well, to smell and enjoy eating durians is one thing. BUT to endure the durian smell in an enclosed enviroment was just terrible! And people around (including us of cos!!!) were like just staring at this couple. If Looks could kill, they would probably have died a zillion times.
When we alighted from the MRT, i have this tremedous craving for durians! No kidding!!
and luck will have it, there happened to be a durian stall just outside the MRT station!
Woo Hoo~
The good thing was, Tom ACTUALLY ALLOWED moi to buy a box of durians
The bad thing: he only allow moi to consume the durians tommorrow morning"
Its either you eat it tomorrow morning or im not gonna kiss you tonight!"
One thing for sure, ladies and gentleman, please give a round of applause for TOM!!!!
*clap clap*
why? cos he finally agreed to taste the durians!!
btw, have you ever see a person who take a small lil bite of durian and afterwhich drinks a big glass of strong Whisky coke? I have.
and who later on keeps complaining that i have durian breath?
i lurv durian breath *faint*
But Tom, thanks for making an effort to try the durian even though i know its probably the worst thing you had even taste in you whole life..cos i know you did it for me
*awwww, so sweet*
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