Dun blame me...Blame it on my "hand-me-down" lappy from my brother
(fyi, im using Tom's laptop now)
My lappy just died on me...again AGAIN!!!!! *arghhhhh*
Error message :problem with the cooling system. Please shut down and send for servicing!!
Damn~ that's not good
It's so unfair!! i have like tons and tons of pictures taken from my sightseeing adventures in Frankfurt, Amirstar and so forth that i wanna share with u guys but my lappy gave up on me.
Tom promise to take a look at it (like 2 weeks back?) *HINT HINT*
But everytime i suggest bringing my lappy over to his place, he'll just replied "some other time"
im probably better off sending it to the Toshiba servicing centre
Yupz, i was in the Sydney hospital for four hours while they ran some tests on me i.e ECG test, blood test, X rays. I was feeling really really shitty..
In fact, i thought i was going to die.Period.
And being the mommy lil girl, i sent a sms to my sista telling her about the my chest pain.
Bad Move=====>Tom lectured me about how worried my mommy gonna be once she learned that her sweet lil girl is in the hospital. And he's right! My mommy was damn worried! I felt so bad now thinking about it. *sighz*
(anyway, that's the name tag that i had to wear during my short stay there. Reason being that they might lose me..like "DUH" )

The funny thing was, the tests turn out normal. There's nothing wrong with me.
So why am i having chest pain? *sniff sniff*
The only possible reason that i could think of and which i mentioned to the doctor was the stoopid duck bone that i swallowed the night before . Yesh, i know it sounds really hilarious.
A DUCK BONE? *HAHAHAHA* laugh all you want, pple
It had been a really really bad two weeks. I'm just so glad im getting better.
Since im feeling better, moi decided to head downtown to look for shoes and accessories to match my white dress from Daniel Yam. One of my good friend is getting finally getting married. Ermm...wait. Correction: She ROM like 3years ago. So she finally holding the wedding banquet on 1st oct 2006. Yaay~
Its like a big celebration since its the same date as Childrens' day!!
This Jany arh, wanted all her jie meiz to be in a white dress. Since i don't own a white dress(and i hate to wear a dress) moi had to look around for a white dress just for the occassion. But i had to admit, moi look pretty nice in a dress. HAHAHAHA like a lil princess!! *bragging*
So the prefect dress must have the prefect shoe and accessories right?
After walking around with Tom for 7hours, moi failed to find the prefect pair of shoe!!
it icked me!
Btw, one word of advice, if you know you're gonna walked from one end to the other end of Orchard Road and back (and in between), WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES!!!!!
walking around in a 4inch stiletto for 7hours straight is no joke. GIMME BACK MY Birkenstocks!!
Why is it so hard to find the perfect pair of shoes? The perfect pair of shoes that give the "ommph" factor. The perfect pair of shoes that makes you feels like a woman, feels confident and elegant...and i couldnt find it!!! *ARGHHHHH*
It doesnt help that the perfect pair of shoes have to be in either white or silver to match the dress that i got. That kinda limit the choices.
It was 9.10pm. We were tired. We were hungry. and my feets are killing me.
Just when i was about to give up and admit defeat, lo and behold, we were standing infront of ALDO shop and my eyes immediately zoomed in on the "perfect shoe"!!!
It's simple yet elegant..with a lil white bow infront. i tried it. it fits and its within my budget
Moi: I'll take it. Do you have a new pair?
Salesgirl: Im sorry. We dont have a new pair for size37. We do have a new pair for size38
(i was thinking "duh, i dun fit a size38')
Moi: So do you think the other ALDO outlets have a new pair of size37?
Salesgirls: We don't have a new pair for size37. We use size 37 for all our display shoes and for each design, we only have one pair of each different size.
(Moi and tom looked at her in disbelief)
Tom: So you mean to say that if we buy this pair right now, someone else walks in and they couldnt buy the same pair of shoes because the store only keep one pair of shoes of each size.
Salegirls: Yes. Until new stock comes in.
we looked at the pair of shoes. The right side being the display one looked kinda dirty(white gets dirt easily) and the sole looks worn. S$109 and they didnt even wanna give a discount. We walked out not buying anything.
I mean, don't you find this totally ridiculous? I mean, c'mon...its ALDO for goodness sake. Isnt it weird that a well-known company just keep one pair of shoes of each size? i really really REALLY find it unbelieveable...from a business point of view: IT"S TOTALLY INSANE!
So should i blame myself because my feet happen to be the size ALDO use for display purposes? Does that mean i'll never get a chance to buy a new pair of ALDO shoes because the store..YESH..because the store ONLY KEEP ONE PAIR OF SHOES OF EACH SIZE!
HAHAHAHA..that's so funny~
It's so hard to find the perfect pair of shoes...
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