secretly using my sista computer right now...
My brother is super lucky lor..After his graduation, he managed to get this well-paid job in a foreign bank. When i say well-paid job..i really mean, well-paid job..He's probably earning as much or even more than i am
lucky guy~ *envious*
When he told us that his company is planning to send him to London for three months of training...we are like "wow!!!! u're kidding!!" 好辛福
off he goes on the 19th Sept.... See! the whole family 出动 to send him off at the airport.... So how come i don't get this kinda treatment when i fly off!!
不公平!! *hmmph*

Family picture TIME!!!
Its hard to grasp why my brother is so tall. Our dad is not very tall, neither is my mommy...but he's like the tallest leh!!!
(Mommy...what did u feed him when he was young!!!)

His secondary and uni friends sending him off (really sweet of them)
Btw, notice that they are all guys even though he's from a mixed school??
Brother, O Brother, when are u gonna start seeing someone of the opposite sex? Computer games and anime are not gonna help u get a girlfriend, you know *haiz*
My brother taking BA to London..too bad my fren Clarissa is not on that flight...else could help me take care of him (HELLO!! your brother not 3 year old leh) I know, but...but but he's still my pet brother mah...
His company sent half of the newly joined pple on BA, and the other half on SIA (precautionary measures if you ask me)
Finally...GATE open~~
Off he goes...sniff sniff sobz sobz
im gonna miss him so one to bully, to help carry my luggage down the stairs, to poke fun of...
Bon Voyage!! seeya on the 3rd of Dec....
my brother made contact yesterday night..btw, his company is paying for this service apartment for him to stay in..the pictures he sent of his service apartment are totally outrageous! 1 bedroom + kitchen + living room+internet connection, fully air-conditioned!! ALL BY HIMSELF!!! He' living like a king!!! he laments about the living expenses in London..10pound (S$30) for a normal he knows how inexpensive food is in Singapore..At least he can start losing weight over there..haha