Well, same goes for Tom.. For him, April Fools is A BIG DEAL... He just had to trick somebody on this day and who else but his family of cos :P
The first portion is absolutely true... Tom and moi will be taking one month break from work in July and travel around Europe. So looking forward to it!! :)
The second portion is SO NOT TRUE!! Moi like
100% not READ: NOT PREGNANT!!!
He initially called his Dad to wish him happy birthday ( 31th MAR HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!) and then casually mentioned that moi is pregnant. You should have heard them screaming with joy. Until he mentioned that he's gonna named our baby girl "April" followed by April fools day!!!
HURHURHUR...so (NOT) funny

Then he decided to post it on his family webbie. Fortunately, the rest of his family didnt fall for the trick. Sighz, the things Tom do sometimes makes me shake my head but put a smile to my face.

Anyway, Tom's friend just sent him this super funny youtube video.
This is the original video by this Korean girl group : Wonder girls "Nobody"
I love the song!! super catchy!!
If you play these two videos concurrently, the dance moves are almost synchronize with each other. And Tom actually says the guy is a better dancer than the wonder girls.. Haha
I'M SO SAD!!!!! Just watched American Idol results..
Megan Joy is out!!!
Boo Boo :(
Ha..he thought he was smart this year!!! But since he posted the message 18.15 pm March 31 swedish time - aka 00.15 am April 1 Singaporean time we had our doubts :)
BUT...since Tom has in the past made a joke on April 1st which then turned out to be true we were not completely sure. However, when I conferred with Mike we came to the conclusion that Tommys maths skills weren't all that up to speed (9 months pregnancy and stuff) and thus the likelyhood of him pulling a prank rose to 99% :)
It is as you say. April 1st is a big sacred holiday for Tommy. I still remember a few years back when he SMS:ed me to say that Lucy and I couldn't stay with him for our visit to Singapore because they were gonna tear down his house..(I know...but he said you people do that sometimes). We completely bought it and started looking for hotels quite desperately.
Bad boy Tommy...bad bad boy :)
(The day you tell us Jasmine that a little one is one the way...we will believe it :))
Firstly... everyone whom I "punk'd" in real time fell for it... written stuff allows you to consider it and debate it, not as effective ;)
Secondly, "9 months pregnancy and stuff", I hate to break it, pregnancy _IS_ 9 months! hmph ;)
And thirdly... tearing down the house prank was fun ;) I should try it on Jasmine one of these days? hoho ;)
Tom tom
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