TATA!!! Me in spec and no makeup!!
au natural moi!!
Sniffie...Cant wear contacts for a week cos i was going for lasik

The lil vain part of moi refuse to wear my specs when we hit the beach. Instead, i wore my big bug eyes sunnies and walked around half blind.. Thank goodness moi didn't step on a hermit crab or something poisonous! AND TOM being DODGY by wearing contact! He knew i can't wear them and still he wears them during the whole trip..EEVILLLLLL~~~
Playing around with my bookmark which i gotten from the MRT train some time back..HAHA
Think it's an advertisement of the Singapore Prison..
Moi Heart the "Do not disturb" caption!

Happily place it on Tom who's starting to turn abit baked from all the sun!

We were happily cycling for 10mins when my bicycle chain came off.
Tom tried to fix it but couldn't. And we're like stranded in the middle of nowhere (alrite, it's not like in the wilderness BUT STILL). Thankfully, a minibus drove by and moi hitched a ride after explaining to the drivers the situation.
BAD BICYCLE!! *spank spank*

we look so lovey dovey in this picture.. holding hands and arms around each other
Anyone getting goosebumps?? hehe

just take what i mention about Tom with a sense of humour..
You know I LOVE HIM!!! :)
How could you not, when he looks so cute at times..hehe

He toppled over the whole bowl of chicken curry, and as a result, the curry gravy seeps through the gaps on the table and right onto my foot and flip flops!!!
He didn't get any gravy on himself of cos!
why do these kind of things only happen to me -_-

We played a game of Daytona car racing(which i won of cos) and Bubble puzzle(which i won as well..heehee!!!)
But when it comes to pool, Tom wins hands down..
He won all 3 games...Darn~
I sux at POOL!!!

yaya WHATEVER~~~~~ yawnnzzzz :P

It was a good break and we had so much fun..except for the heat rashes all over my body
*scratch scratch*
Learned a new Swedish word from Tom..
Ondska... when u translate into English, it means "evilness"
so ondska Tom for not letting me win in pool!!!!
hmmph :P
1 comment:
Hi Jasmine!
It is so much fun to follow your adventures on your blogg. And yes..it is pure ONDSKA from Tommys side not to let you win...then again...he never ever ever ever lets anyone win in any game anytime...ever...He might make you believe that he will be nice...but do not trust those innocent eyes...He will crush you like a little bug if given the chance..
Anyway...feel free to hazzle and poke him in your blog, you have my blessing.
We miss both of you here in Sweden. Lots of love from a rainy Stockholm!
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