Getting a decent Home Theater system with the receiver, subwoofer, speakers is probably gonna cost us like S$2.5K to 3K.. It's still pretty reasonable price to pay especially when the top tier home theater systems are like S$10k and above. On the other hand, we hardly watch TV at home and i'm away half of the time.. moi just hope it's not gonna be like a white elephant..
Anyway, while heading over to Liang court, we passed by Clarke Quay and saw they have already put up the mooncake festival displays.. Speaking about Clarke Quay, it has change so much for the past few years... It's definitely more vibrant and colourful as compare to its neighbourly Boat Quay and Riverside.
Large floating lanterns
This ang moh guy saw moi and tom taking pictures of each other and offered to help us take a picture together.. It's probably the FIRST TIME EVER in my entire life where strangers just offer their help.. Awwwww~ Thank you so much, Mister :)
These are lanterns in the shape of some Chinese folktales characters and will be lit up at night for the mooncake festival.
Moi can just visualised the whole place looking so beautiful and colourful when night falls
Speaking about mooncake festival, need to sidetrack abit.. WHY ARE MOONCAKES GETTING MORE AND MORE EXPENSIVE each year?!?! moi just bought a box of mooncakes for my parents and it cost like S$48!! @@AWWWW...i found my BAA BAA lantern!!!
Tried to look for Tom's Chinese Zodiac, The Tiger but to no avail...Oh well~~~
Guess I'm the lucky one :P
Cool pictures outside the ladies

on the window display of Kinokuniya

This is probably the Grand stand?

Hmmm...The term "packed like sardines" suddenly popped into my mind.
Anyway, we wanted to find out how much they were offering for this particular brand of Home Theater system. Turns out that the price quoted at the Comex was actually 30% more expensive than what was quoted at this particular shop in The Adelphi.
The moral of the story: The prices at Comex may not be as competitive as what you think. The best advice will be to do your homework and research first and not just buy on impulse.
TATA!!! My Rubik's cube collection!!
moi wanted to get the 5X5 Rubik's cube too but tom was like "Enough is Enough" while dragging me away... *sighz*