"A little girl from Singapore, A big boy from Sweden, together they meet, and together they fall in love with each other "
Tracy Chapman - Change
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Jamie's dinners?
Tom used his Ikea points to exchange for this cookbook thinking that Moi gonna start learning how to cook since I'm not gonna have "mummy's cooking" now.
He even came up with this ingenious plan: Everyday he will open the cook book and picked a dish randomly. Any dish. Then, moi is gonna have to prepare it for dinner... -_-" Moi just have one thing to say, "In your dreams, Tommy. In your dreams"
Actually, it's somewhat dangerous for me to eat Jasmine's cooking...considering she does not know how to cook, I might suffer a trip to the hospital ;)
And to make it worse, I don't think Jasmine knows which number to call for help!!! ;)
Superb Idea,Tom~~heehee~~
Haha .. You're so Funny la Jas ;p
Poor Tom @@
Actually, it's somewhat dangerous for me to eat Jasmine's cooking...considering she does not know how to cook, I might suffer a trip to the hospital ;)
And to make it worse, I don't think Jasmine knows which number to call for help!!! ;)
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