Finally got my hands on the LV Neverfull bag!!!!
(yesh, i know!! it's a super common bag.... sure to spot one or two in the street)
But moi still Si bey happy lor~

Obviously it's not for himself -_-
It's for ===> his friend's MOTHER~
Wah lau..nowadays auntie also very happening leh
i mean seriously, my mother would never ever buy like a LV or Chanel or Prada bag.. She thinks it's a total waste of money to spend so much on a bag... Her most expensive bag is a Bonia bag (which was bought by moi for like S$200) AND she only use it during special occasion THINK CNY.. If not, it's a S$20 bag that she bought from some shop for everyday use.
Tom wonders all the time why moi can't be frugal like my mom.
We are talking about my MOM who will walk to 3 different supermarkets just to compare the prices and save that few cents.
Having said that, Moi is gonna resist like hell to spluge on another branded bag.
I'm Trying, Tom...I'm Trying. p(-_-)q
Tom & moi made a pact this year===> Moi can only buy one branded bag a year.
Since my quota is already used up, I MUST RESIST THE TEMPTATION FOR THE REST OF THE 342days, 8184hours, 491040mins, 29462400secs and..... and..... and...... and
(Jany, stop stirring moi to check out all those webbies) =p
Alright, moving on.... Delicious mussels for dinner~

Times must be bad :(
The Arc de Triomphe

sure beats the one moi saw in Amsterdam~

