Moi got my birthday present early.....
From Tom: A baby Pink Nintendo DS lite!!
Moi got my birthday present early.....
From Tom: A baby Pink Nintendo DS lite!!
In Amsterdam...again
The last Amsterdam flight i did was probably 2-3months ago? (Not that i mind~)
Nice hotel.... I LOVE KING SIZE BED!!! You could just roll yourself over and over again without falling off from the bed....and it comes with not one or two BUT 6 Fluffy Down pillows~
See! Such simple things can make me jump up in joy~
(Unfortunately, i didnt have the time to soak myself in the nice bathtub)
While we were waiting for a table, moi was walking around and observing the scene around me. I think it'll be so interesting to be working in a casino. The gaming chips, the slot machines, Roulette and so forth.
Having say that, i'm not supportive of gambling. I have never place a money bet on anything
(i did buy Toto once and that's cos it's shared among my colleagues for the S$10million jackpot)
I know it's very easy money... In fact, one of my colleagues won a couple of thousands that night.
Matter of principle, i guess *shrug*
We signed up for the half day Windmills/Edam tour package. Cost: 30Euros per person
(15% discount for crew members) HeeHee
lined with picturesque shops and charming houses...
In all the sightseeing tours i had been, never in my life had i came across a group of man joining a sightseeing tour wearing 3-piece suits!!
Talk about being dressed up for tours...
And they had this professional photographer tagging along to take photos of them!
I'm not jesting
We saw a wedding...
These are the everyday dressing of the town people
*roll eyes*
Obviously, they are having some sort of a carnival and some big shot is suppose to make an appearance later.
(I can't remember actually...the tour guide kinda explained but we were too busy taking photos)
Two ladies dressed in old centuries clothing buying a hotdog. Haha
Windmills/cheese factory/wooden clogs factory
(They are all located in the same area)
Wedding clogs~
Clogs everywhere!
I love Cheese!!! (except Blue and goat cheese...bleah~)
I'm so envious of her height.. She's probably the tallest girl i know...
Sighz, if im as tall as her...i could be a MODEL!! Hee
Hope the weather wouldnt get worse~
Part 2 coming in the next blog
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