It doesn't load up completely!!!
Is it just me or do u pple have the same problem?
Sighz...need to change the colour of my font to a darker shade so u pple can read better
Hope it doesn't stay like this for long -_-
When moi first started flying, i used to cart back tons of tons of chocolates from Frankfurt.
AND I'm talking about 40-50packs of chocolates per trip!!
They have a greater varieties of chocolates. Chocolates that you can't get your hands on in Singapore. The best part? They are all so affordable!
But after awhile, the novelty kinda wears off. My family and friends are getting so sick and tired of them. Even my brother had asked moi to stop buying them. HAHA
Nowadays, when i do a Frankfurt flight, I'll only buy a couple of chocolates home.
Yupz, buy them just for the sake of buying them. (yesh, it's a silly reason)
Even then, It's still like 20 to 30packs of chocolates!
My cargo bag was weighing a hefty 36KG!!! on my last Frankfurt flight.
Filled to the brim with all the chocolates and sausages!!
My colleague was telling moi "Aiyah, no need to buy so much Giotto and Hanuta back to Singapore cos there's this shop in Vivo selling them."
Yesterday, Tom and moi went to Vivo to catch "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's end"
(I find the movie a drag. Bleah~)
To me: It's totally insane and ridiculous
For example:
The Hanuta chocolates that i bought in Frankfurt for around 1.80euros (S$3.60) each.
At the shop, they were selling them for S$7.90.
Alrite, u guys might think..."Hmm, it's not so bad. Just double the price only mah. Have to consider their overhead expenses and freight charges"
The price tag in that shop?
Freaking S$13.50 each!!!!!!
No doubt that this shop is the ONLY PLACE in Singapore that sells these type of chocolates
But STILL!!! It's so absurd that moi wanna scream MURDER!!!!
In fact, on my next Frankfurt flight, I'm gonna buy tons and tons of Giotto back to Singapore.
Then i set up a makeshift stall OUTSIDE that candy shop and LELONG them out to people
"LELONG! S$5 each!! BUY 3 and get one free!!!"
It doesn't matter if I'm not making a profit (but have to break even lah, Idiot!)
It's to prove a point!!
(ermm, i can just imagine myself being dragged away by the security guards, screaming my head off)
So Moi was telling Tom when i saw the staggering amount : I ABSOLUTELY refuse to pay so much more for these chocolates when i could get them so much cheaper in Frankfurt!
Tom : Yes, but if you're not flying and doesn't know that these chocolates are so much cheaper in Frankfurt, would you still buy them?
ME: .......
Other varieties of chocolates that are cheaper in Frankfurt.
*roll eyes*
It's so unfair!!
Come to think of it, when moi eventually stop flying... and i suddenly have this tremedous craving for Giotto chocolates...Do i have to eat back my word and buy my Giotto for 3times the price at this candy store?
OMG *faint*
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