His daily sms will go like "Good morning, my princess......."
Awwwwww~ issit that so sweet ^-^
So whatever the princess wants, the princess gets right?
*just kidding*
Anyway...focus focus focus...
moi wanted to comment on the movie, Singapore Dreaming

The usual stuff associated with local production were low production cost, chessy settings, bad acting skills and so forth.
I came across Neil Humphreys's article dated 6 Oct on the movie, Singapore Dreaming. He mentioned about how
"It was another tiresome example of a Singapore artist being more appreciated overseas than in his own country...."
"The stubborn persistence that a "local" artistic product must automatically be substandard..."
(full article on http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/entertainment/view/234160/1/.html )
Guilty as charged.
Most of us, including moi
Isnt it weird that we don't support local production?
a week ago, when moi was paxing back on my Seoul flight back to Singapore (i was sandwiched between two old Korean guys ), i was surprised to find the movie, Singapore Dreaming on the On-Demand Movie channel.
I was intrigued
(fyi, Singapore Dreaming picked up the Montblanc New Screenwriters award at the prestigious 54th San Sebastian International Film Festival)
With an open mind and a "watch without prejudice" attitude, moi pressed the played button..
First and foremost, if you wanna watch the movie, prepare like a box of tissues!! The movie totally gets to you!!! I was practically sobbing my heart out. (You must remembered that i was sandwiched between two old korean guys) It was so embarrassing to be wiping my big fat tears with the blanket provided (Moi ran out of tissues kaayyy!!). I'm pretty sure the two old korean guys noticed but were nice enough to keep quiet
Singapore Dreaming paints a real life picture of a typical family living in Singapore. The struggle to meet the expectation of family and society, the typical 5Cs (Car, Condo, Country club, Cash and Career). It's a moving tale about family dealing with loss, ambition and the search for what really matters in life.
The funny thing was, this movie kinda reminds me about my own family, which was why i could totally relate to it..
For all of you who have miss it, DVD & VCD of the film, SINGAPORE DREAMING are now on sale at all good video retailers in Singapore, including Gramophone, HMV, Kinokuniya, Laser Flair, Poh Kim, Sembawang Music, TS Laser and Video EZY (remember, support ORIGINAL!!"
The BIG Conclusion :
My mindset of local production has definitely changed after watching Singapore Dreaming. Local production do have the "ommph" factor as well. Just that we didnt realise it.
Yesh, sometimes it's nice to just sit down and watch funny, humorous, love, romantic, scary, horror, "don't have to use brain to think' kinda movies flicks
But at the same time, it's good to watch movies like these that reflects on lifes' itself so we can learn from there, don't you think?
A big pat on the back for the cast and filmmakers.
You guys did a fantastic job!
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