Moi and Tom's birthday are two days apart!!
that makes us both Cancerians *shake our pinchers in the air*
A gypsy fortune teller with her Magic ball predict our "crab" relationship to be : Dreamy
Hmm...huh? Dreamy? Is that good or bad?
A big THANK YOU to my family (especially my dear sister) who bought moi a birthday cake ...I Lurv u guys!! *smoochies*
And THIS is their "idea" of a BIRTHDAY CAKE =====>Could someone explain to me why Tom's picture is on the Queen's birthday cake??!!
(Apparently moi's sista came up with the idea and my mom..MY MOM!!! chose this picture..)
It's more like an Engagement cake if you ask me~
and this is moi taking a picture with MY MY MY MY cake (not Tom's!!)
(guys guys guys, i noe i look half dead in the picture but its like 10am when i took this the pesistence of my family of cos!)
One thing for sure.. THE CAKE IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!! Smooth, Creamy and so darn chocolatey..i think i just went to heaven and back~
This is one of the presents from Tom~
a 500pcs jigsaw puzzle without any pictures or box!! so weird~
and Tom is keeping mum about the picture *zip it*
Moi could hardly wait to piece everything together to find the TRUTH!!!!
Happy birthday to myself !!!
may the Queen live happily in her crap..opsie i mean "crab" relationship with her Crab King..
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