what's with women and bags/shoes/accessories/cosmetics/facial products/body products etc etc?
We can't seem to get enough of everything..
somehow or rather, we alway manage to convince ourselves we need another pair of shoes, another bag, more clothes, this cute MAC pink lip gloss (like we need another lip gloss to add to our dozen other lip gloss..duh~) or that Osim's Uzap (but i gotto admit Fiona's figure is HOT HOT HOT...even i'm convince that it will help me zap zap away my fats )
We are big time suckers, man..
maybe that's the difference between man and woman.
Man shop when they need to
Woman shop when they want to
Man knows specifically what they have in mind
Woman go around looking for things to buy
Man go into a shop, take it, pay for it and step out of the shop in 5mins flat
Woman goes in, look around, try it out (in diff colours and sizes, mind you), think about it, walked around the whole day THINKING ABOUT IT, and then come back before the shop close and buy it
and many many many more.....
and how many times have we went window shopping and came home with tons of purchases, feeling at the top of the world, happy like little girls with lollies in their hands.
and how many times have we walked around looking for something to buy just cause our hands were feeling empty. Even carrying a small little paperbag made us feel so proud. Its like we need to buy something or anything just to make our day.
Shopping Therapy, we say
Weirdos, the guys exclaimed
and as Tom said when i told him i bought another bag
"Another bag? why do you need another bag?!!"
Guys just don't get it..yawnz
they will never understand the adrenaline pumping through the brain, the excitement, the thrill of getting something new..(ermmm, a bit out of context, but you know what i mean)
and this is my cute little bag (abit too small for my liking though)..i could hardly close the thing after stuffing it with my waterbottle, wallet and handphone (yupz, im a big bag person..i love big bags!! the bigger the better, can stuff umbrella lah, my soduko book, my tibits, shawl, waterbottle, camera and blah blah blah blah..muahahaha)

that's my cute little 魔鬼!! bought in Taiwan!!

Close up......
Apparently its suppose to protect 保护 me from evil spirts out to harm pple (as what my colleague explained to me)
They have different 魔鬼 for different usage.
Like some of the 魔鬼 are for pple who's looking for love, or luck or whatsoever.. Actually it look kinda look like the voodoo doll or those 打小人 thingy..
Haha..but if it can protect me. who cares!
Better be safe than sorry, peace of mind
Btw, im looking for sponsorship for my osim's Uzap
anyone wanna contribute to the "piggy bank for Uzap"? C'mon, you just got your Progess package leh!
English: bag
Swedish: påse; säck; bag
1 comment:
haha...welcome to the world of voodoo dolls..my fren(he saw my "heavy duty" hp) oso wanted to buy this devil II coz it is sold out on the website,n i not going tpe for now, so can't get it for him,he is stil dreaming bout' this devil II...
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