Nobody bother anyway.
As usual, you could see passengers reading the newspaper, talking to each other, pretending to sleep and blah blah blah...
It was during meal service and I was pushing my cart to the front row. A man came out from the toilet just i was passing by. Immediately, i smell the cigarette smoke.
#%$&?!@!# 讨厌
Some moron just smoked in the lavatory!!!!
Arghhh, i feel like grabbing the moron by his neck and shake him senseless!! or or or.....maybe hit him on his head with my stainless steel tray!!
It's the same as people using their handphone on flight. Yes, i far, there hasnt been any concrete evidence that shows handphones emission will interfere with the navigation system of the airplane. But heck! Better safe than sorry right? 按全第一
DARN~~ i looked at the man walking back to his seat.
Should i confront him? what if it wasnt him? maybe its the person before him?
I stopped my cart and went into the toilet, making sure there's no smoke or fire anywhere. Pull open the trashbin and check to see there's no cigarette butt laying around that might just catches fire.
This is the kind of stuff that really makes my blood boils!! GRRRRRRR.....The person who discarded the cigarette thinks nothing of it as they happily travel on their way. But other people will have to deal with the consequences of what can happen. HELLO!! We are 35,000feet above sea level! what happen if there's really a big fire? Hallelujah, Amen to all of us.
I used to be a smoker myself, .I know how tough it was to endure 15hrs of flight without a smoke.
很心苦,要我的命喔 Its tough, but thats life, man!
im not asking you not to smoke. Its your life and i dun give a Shit!.
But don't jeopardise the hundreds of lives even if you don't value yours.
At the end of the day, ask yourself, is it worth it?
Its 300plus lifes at stake! i still wanna get married, have kids and live to a ripe old age...
the next time you light up in the plane, think about the consequences

As what mummy says,
"Don't play with Fire"
"Lek inte med elden"
October 27, 1951
Near Flores, Guatemala
Operator: Military - Guatemalan Air Force
Aboard: 27 (passengers:22 crew:5)
Fatalities: 25 (passengers:20 crew:5)
Ground: 0
Crashed and burned in jungle 170 miles north northeast of Guatemala City. It is theorized a passenger may have started a fire in the aircraft's cabin with a cigarette.
July 11, 1973
Paris, Orly, France
Operator: Varig
Aboard:134 (passengers:117 crew:17)
Fatalities:123 (passengers:116 crew:7)
Fire aboard the aircraft in the aft right toilet was reported and an emergency descent made. The plane was heavily damaged by fire before fire fighters could rescue passengers. Most fatalities were due to CO before rescuers could reach passengers. The fire started in the aft right toilet either from an electrical short or discarded cigarette.
December 24, 1982
Guangzhou, China
Operator: CAAC
Aboard:69 (passengers:58 crew:11)
Fatalities:25 (passengers:25 crew:0)
A passenger's cigarette caused a fire in the cabin which led to an oxygen tank exploding
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