Tracy Chapman - Change
Monday, February 27, 2006
Woo hoo~~ i'm on leave, i'm on leave
Woo Hoo~~
For Ten days straight
And the best part? Im going to Krabi for 6days 5night!
i could hardly wait.
Funny people - part1
Beware, People out there!! Muahahahaha
I was helping this gentleman to look for space to stow his cabin bag. Managed to spotted one overhead compartment with just a labtop bag inside. Since the laptop was laying flat, i explained to the lady i need to put her lappy bag upright just so we had more space for people to put their hand-carry bags
Me: "Excuse me, Mdm. Is that your laptop bag" (pointing to the bag in the overhead compartment)
Lady "Yes, that's mine"
Me: "Is it alright if i shifted it upright so we'll have space to stow this gentleman's bag?"
Lady "But it's a laptop. It's not suppose to be stow upright!"
I almost choked on my saliva...
HELLOOOOO~~ what do u mean by u can't put it upright?
like DUH~~~ it doesnt matter....
So mdm, may i ask how do u carry your laptop bag around?
You carry it upright on the handles?
Not like you use both hands to hold it around in a horizontal manner..
Funny people...
and when i mentioned to Tom about it, he made this comment about "Women and technology==> don't mix"...
of which i kicked his butt of course.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Lord of the "Ring"
I guess i better mentioned its one of the many other christmas present i got from him as well. Not like me, as he mentioned countless time, who only gave him a watch for Christmas.
Hey, you said it's the best watch you ever have!! *poke poke*
It's a simple and elegant ring.
Not those flashy one big carat diamond ring, with flawless clarity, Grade A, colour D or E or F, with GIA or AGS cut and blah blah blah...To me, its doesnt really matter.
Whats matters is that it comes from the heart.
I have been wearing it on my finger ever since, whether im working, showering, sleeping etc
Two days ago, in the hotel bus to Zurich airport, i was fiddling with my ring when i felt something sharp rubbing against my finger.

That's weird.
Taking a closer look! I REALISED==========>>> MY RING BROKE!!!!
My reaction was probably similar to Gollum from LOTR
"My preciousss~~"
"Broken ring, Broken promise" ?
"Bruten ring, Brutet löfte"?
Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me? *SNIFF SNIFF*
I protest!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Oh what a day!
You have absolutely no idea when you will be activated for flight.
My record so far ===> making it from Holland V to Changi airport in a record time of 1 hour flat (include painting my nails, packing my bag, putting my make up in the taxi)
So here i am, checking the system every hour. And it doesnt help that i'm living so near to the airport. The chances of me not being called up from standby is probably in the rank of striking Toto. 1: 1,000,000??
I was really tired..
I called the system. No messages... Heehee, maybe...just maybe i wouldnt be called up for flight. I took my shower,brushed my teeth...
was abt to hit the sack..hmm, prob should call again..
yes, u guess it, lo and behold, i was activated for a turnaround flight~
so much for miracles do come true..
The first time to do is to call the transport co-ordinator to arrange thepickup time. The phone is engaged (as usual). Alrite, packed my bag first and printed out the crew list...
It doent help that i'm the most junior crew in the list.
called again..still engaged...Darn~
Hmm, called and talk to Tom first....
in the end, i managed to get to the transport coordinator at 1.30am.
Lady" okie, Bedok arh, your pickup time is 6.25am"
finally went to sleep.. at 0300
Cuckoo Coo Coooooo
morning came
drag myself out of bed, prepared and left my house at 0620
waited till 0630..hmm, the cab is not here yet...nevermind give them 5mins more
at 0635, im starting to panic. This is so not good. Decided to called the taxi coo-ordinator and explain the situation
"aiyah", the taxi coo-ordinator exclaimed "there have been some changes to your pickup time. we forgot to inform you"
"WHAT!!!!!" my heart missed a beat
taxi coordinator "Could you come by yourself?"
"you gotto be kidding me, its 0640, i need to report at 0655 and you are telling me there's some confusion in my transport...omg~~ "
Plan A - "Book a cab"
Question 1 : Could someone explained to me ==>why is it that everytime when you need to book a cab, there's always no cab available"
Plan B - there's no Plan B!!!!!
Alrite, Breath deep...Breath in, Breath out...Phew~ getting myself all panicky doenst solve anything at all.
I shall walk out to the main road and try flagging a cab
I cant believe this is happening!!
At the main road, a guy in his early 30s was waiting for a cab as well....
Question 2==>why is it that everytime when you need a cab desperately, there's always no cab in sight?"
After 5mins of waiting ..miraclously, a vacant cab appeared
"Good, the next one will be for me" i was thinking
Suddenly, the man said to me " you go ahead first, i know you are late. i'll wait for the next one"
Harps playing and Angels sings, and and and ...i cant believe it!!!!!!!
To the kind Samaritan i met this morning...Thank you, Thank you so much... No amount of words could express my appreciation.
i used to think that Singaporeans are a selfish lot but you make me change my view!
Thank you!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Patna hate story
Father, family kill son-in-law;daughter critical after assault
Shailendra Mishra, a Patna schoolteacher, was lynched, his head crushed with a stone, and his newly married wife Pushpanjali assulted by a group led by her father. This was their "punishment" for marrying without the family's consent. And belonging to the same gotra (sub-caste) - although they were of the same caste.
You would have thought this had happened in a different era, a different time. But no, its didnt. You are talking about the up and rising India, one of the fastest growing country in the world.
Its sad to read stories like this, especially when Valentine's day is just, what? a week away?
To Ms Pushpanjali's father,
I really couldnt understand what perceived you to react so violently to this matter. You should be happy for your daughter. Yes, its not right for them to eloped and get married without getting your blessing. But they are grown ups. They know how to think for themselves. You cant decide their lives for them anymore. You cant dicate who they are allow or not allow to marry. Violence doesnt solve everything or anything at all(Prob back in stone age mabbe). Have you ever sit down and consider "hey, why did they do it? Why did they run away to get married? Why did they not inform me? Im sure every children want their parents blessing. Things could be work out. There's so many things you could have done? Talk to them. Be happy for them.
Did you even feel anything when you beat your own daughter? your own flesh and blood?
Did you experience a sense of remorse when u saw her laying in a pool of her own blood?
Did you feel anything at all other than anger?
Are you being a good father?
Monday, February 06, 2006
Excuse me, we value our lives!
Nobody bother anyway.
As usual, you could see passengers reading the newspaper, talking to each other, pretending to sleep and blah blah blah...
It was during meal service and I was pushing my cart to the front row. A man came out from the toilet just i was passing by. Immediately, i smell the cigarette smoke.
#%$&?!@!# 讨厌
Some moron just smoked in the lavatory!!!!
Arghhh, i feel like grabbing the moron by his neck and shake him senseless!! or or or.....maybe hit him on his head with my stainless steel tray!!
It's the same as people using their handphone on flight. Yes, i far, there hasnt been any concrete evidence that shows handphones emission will interfere with the navigation system of the airplane. But heck! Better safe than sorry right? 按全第一
DARN~~ i looked at the man walking back to his seat.
Should i confront him? what if it wasnt him? maybe its the person before him?
I stopped my cart and went into the toilet, making sure there's no smoke or fire anywhere. Pull open the trashbin and check to see there's no cigarette butt laying around that might just catches fire.
This is the kind of stuff that really makes my blood boils!! GRRRRRRR.....The person who discarded the cigarette thinks nothing of it as they happily travel on their way. But other people will have to deal with the consequences of what can happen. HELLO!! We are 35,000feet above sea level! what happen if there's really a big fire? Hallelujah, Amen to all of us.
I used to be a smoker myself, .I know how tough it was to endure 15hrs of flight without a smoke.
很心苦,要我的命喔 Its tough, but thats life, man!
im not asking you not to smoke. Its your life and i dun give a Shit!.
But don't jeopardise the hundreds of lives even if you don't value yours.
At the end of the day, ask yourself, is it worth it?
Its 300plus lifes at stake! i still wanna get married, have kids and live to a ripe old age...
the next time you light up in the plane, think about the consequences

As what mummy says,
"Don't play with Fire"
"Lek inte med elden"
October 27, 1951
Near Flores, Guatemala
Operator: Military - Guatemalan Air Force
Aboard: 27 (passengers:22 crew:5)
Fatalities: 25 (passengers:20 crew:5)
Ground: 0
Crashed and burned in jungle 170 miles north northeast of Guatemala City. It is theorized a passenger may have started a fire in the aircraft's cabin with a cigarette.
July 11, 1973
Paris, Orly, France
Operator: Varig
Aboard:134 (passengers:117 crew:17)
Fatalities:123 (passengers:116 crew:7)
Fire aboard the aircraft in the aft right toilet was reported and an emergency descent made. The plane was heavily damaged by fire before fire fighters could rescue passengers. Most fatalities were due to CO before rescuers could reach passengers. The fire started in the aft right toilet either from an electrical short or discarded cigarette.
December 24, 1982
Guangzhou, China
Operator: CAAC
Aboard:69 (passengers:58 crew:11)
Fatalities:25 (passengers:25 crew:0)
A passenger's cigarette caused a fire in the cabin which led to an oxygen tank exploding