Muahahahaha!!! After a year of being a couch potato, stuffing myself with whatever snacks moi could get my hands on...
i'm happy to announce that moi still FIT!!!!!
Not talking rubbish leh!!!!
Even the machine says so!!!
if you compare it against...hmmm...errmmmm.....
alrite, how about against our GCE 'O level Chart, it's an A* Distinction leh!!!
Tom must be so proud of me!!!! kekeke
That was until i saw my colleague's score....
95% -_-
Anyway, he's like this LEAN MEAN machine. Really fit! All muscle man!!
Think of the hunks in Men's Health...
Yupz, you get the picture!
So moi's pretty happy with my 77% score
(Which was why Tom and myself stuffed ourselves crazy over the weekend with packets of chips, chocolates, cookies all drowned down with a 1.25l of coke!!)
fyi, the machine that moi mentioned earlier is the: InBody4.0.
from the webbie: "InBody4.0. is Biospace’s latest body composition analyzer that features Biospace’s patented BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis) technology. The body composition analyzer produces highly accurate measurements of the body fat, protein, mineral, and fluid (the four components of the human body) within two minutes
Body Composition is the technical term used to describe the different components that, when taken together, make up a person's body weight. The human body is composed of a variety of different tissue types. The so-called 'lean' tissues, such as muscle, bone, and organs are metabolically active, while adipose (fat) tissue is not. "
"Standard scale can tell you a total weight, but can't determine the lean-to-fat ratio of that weight. By the old height-weight charts, an athlete can be "over-weight" and not "over-fat." A bodybuilder, for example, may be 8% body fat, yet at 250 pounds may be considered "over-weight" by a typical weight chart. In general, charts are not a good indication of a athlete's ideal body weight for general health or for athletic performance "
Moi went to the hotel gym in Seoul just for the sake of using the Inbody...kekeke
My results!!
All within the normal range! Except for the Fat Distribution part which looks kinda high if you ask me..hmmmm
I compared my results with the one taken one year ago and is please to find out that the fitness score was the same as last year...kekeke
the sad thing was i gained like 3kg in a year!!!
(Btw, there's something wrong with the weighting scale becos moi is probably 47kg and not 45.8kg!)
Well, if you have an opportunity, have a Body Composition Analysis test! I'm sure its available in Singapore. As mentioned, a person might look slim and healthy but might have a high body fat ratio. You can never tell from appearance.
And remember! Money cannot buy health!
Take care of yourself..... XOXOXO Jas