Im the type that deserves the "Best employee of the year" award.
I don't complain too much about long working hours,
I don't curse and swear whenever my new roster comes out,
I don't "report sick" just so i could miss the most tedious flight
I don't swop flights with my colleagues just so i could earn more allowances/off days
I don't have any discriplinary records/medical leave records during my one and a half year of flying..
To put it simply...I'm the best employee a company could ever ask for (Bragging?)
That was until earlier this month..It started out with running nose, sore throat, cough and a slight fever. When the day was out, it was full blown "FLU"..not bird flu...just a common flu. I was comtemplating about going to work later in the evening. "Are you insane??" my boyfriend, Tom and my family members exclaimed. So there i was, whisked by Tom to see the company doctor. One look at me..."tsk tsk tsk", the doctor said "You are down with a bad bout of flu, im gonna put you on Medical leave for two days." Three more visits to the doctor and i was put on Medical leave for another 3days. Apparently, my flu had lead to conjunctivitis (an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inner surface of the eyelids). As a result, i miss my Los Angeles Flight!!!! (sobz sobz)
While i was still recovering from my flu, i had to get food poisoning in Mumbai. Off to see the doctor again. A jab on the arm to stop the vomitting and some medicines to stop the stomach pain.
2days later, it doesnt seem to get any better. In fact, it got worse! i was running to the toilet 7 times a day and just throwing up everything i ate/drank!! I practically had to dragged myself off the floor to see my family doctor.

When it comes to swallowing pills, i will always start with the biggest pills and then slowly move on to the smaller one. So the "eyes" of my smiling face goes first.. Muahahaha...DIE!!!!
My sister commented that i should probably not take out all the pills first. "It's all in the mind. You should take out one first, swallow and then take out the next pill." I tried and it does makes a difference. Darn~ how come i didnt think of it earlier??!! No more smiling face with tongue sticking out.....
I hate to swallow pills. What i usually do is to them right at the back of the tongue (easier to swallow mah!) and then take big gulps of water to bring it down. That was until i realise the "bitter" taste of the tongue....yupz, u got that right! It's at the back of the tongue!!!. No wonder pills always taste bitter to me. So will it taste sweeter if i put it on the "sweet" taste of the tongue? bites me... has been two days since i had solid food. The only consolation that i get out of all these misery is that i lost 2kgs. However, its probably just water loss so nothing to celebrate about.
All in all, this December alone, i had seen the doctors six times, was on medical leave for 5days and was sick half of the time.
I hope it will get better after this....sniff sniff.
There goes my "best employee award"
Swedish sentence for the day: Jag är mycket hungrig
It means : I am very hungry
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