I could hardly contain my excitment!! I'm going on a flight to Copenhagen, Denmark and Tom will be waiting for me at the hotel when i arrived. This is the first time i'll be celebrating Chirstmas with him and his family in Sweden. In fact, i'm meeting his whole family for the first time... "Meet the parents" session...Oh well, im sure it will not be as bad as in the movie.
24th December 2005
Christmas eve
At the hotel lobby
Tom was usual...
Haha..actually the flight was early.. It's been 10days since he went back to Sweden to spend some time with his family and i missed him alot. I was just taking a bite into my second croissant when he magically appeared infront of me. "LATE LATE LATE" i teased him but i was really glad to see him.
Train station in Copenhagen

( train leaving at 4.23pm). .

Fyi, the sun set ard 4pm and rise at 8am during winter. So its like just 8hours of daylight!
They have a really weird train system. There's no barriers or gates to stop people without ticket from boarding the train. What they have are train conductors who conducts regular checks onboard the train. When you first board the train, the train conductors will come round checking the validity of the ticket. At the next train stop (of cos people come

At Tom's parents place
It's a REAL christmas tree!!!!! Oh boy, with lotsa presents underneath!!! This is so cool!! His family members are really nice. Everyone of them gave me a hug, saying that they are really glad to have me here for Christmas and it makes me feel so welcome.*touched* Why isnt Tom so affectionate as well? *just kidding*
Apparently, they have a "who bought the most presents?" contest going on this year
Tom won because he bought like 20presents and his youngest brother, Dennis got like 17presents.
That's Tom, always wanna be the winner in everything

lutfisk - A christmas dish
Gravlax - thin slices of salmon in salt and sugar
Julskinka - Christmas ham
Inlagd sill - Pickled herring
Yummy yummy....simply delicious!!! droolz~~

25th December 2005
Christmas day

His sister drove us around Malmö after Christmas breakfast.
A point to note: If you don't have a driving license, don't complain about someone's driving skill (hint hint).
It's really cold in Malmö, probabaly around 0 to -2degrees. And no matter how much clothes i piled on, i was still freezing my ass off.
Before i started flying, i used to hate the hot and humid weather in Singapore. I kept telling myself that i rather be cold and freezing instead of feeling hot and sweaty all the times. However, once i experience the harsh winter overseas, i learn to appreciate the weather in Singapore.
Give me Singapore weather anytime!!!
The cold wind pierced right throught ur spine, and you'll get cracked lips, painful nosebleed, dry and peeling skin, winter itch. It's so horrible~~ Always Moisturize,Moisturize,Moisturize
And this is Tom's favourite pastry: Chokladboll (chocolate ball)

The chocolate ball is usually the size of a meatball. The recipe consists of oatmeal, sugar, coffee, cocoa, butter which is mixed into a compact mass and then rolled on shredded coconut. I personally finds it a tad too sweet for my taste.
Another kind of candy will be the salmiak. It looks like candy but taste really salty. Salmiak resembles black liquorice in colour and are almost always black or very dark brown. It is extremely popular in all five of the Nordic countries but is lesser known elsewhere in the world. Apparently, Tom's relatives in the States love it so much that they buy tons and tons of the salmiak whenever they are back in Sweden. Tom's dad gave me one to try and i should say it is an acquired taste.
26th December 2005
Boxing day
Woke up to find it's snowing outside. Such a beautiful sight. I just wanna lean out and touch the falling snow. DARN~ why didnt it snow on Chritmas day! we could have a snowball fight..and it will be us against Tom...Muahahaha...
Someone once told me that snow has a very nice taste. I wondered how it taste like? hmm...stick my tongue out ...
fyi, snow doesnt have any taste at all

And that's Tom cooking breakfast for us*..heehee...If only he's so nice everyday! *dodge flying pan*
Oh well, he's a nice person and quite a good cook actually (i shall not complain about his cooking cos begger cant be choosy!)
* actually there's a picture of Tom cooking breakfast. But he asked me *politely* to remove it cos he thinks he look really bad in it
Gonna head back to Copenhagen soon. Sighz, I just cant bear to leave Malmö. Its almost like a christmas holiday with falling snow, christmas presents, christmas tree.
That's my lazy Tom laying in bed while i snap dozens of pictures of him...."wakie wakie, time to head back to Copenhagen!!!"
Our way to Malmö Central train station....
The snows are starting to get heavier.
"Please let there be a snowstorm tonight and my flight will get delayed, Amen"
Wishful thinking, i guess
Back in Copenhagen
Went in search for the famous pølse, Denmark's very famous red sausages!! These hot dog-like sausages are long (around 12 inch long), thin (about the diameter of an index finger) and bright red. They are traditionally served on a small, rectangular paper plate along with a side order of bread (similar to a hot dog bun, but without a slice in it), and a serving of both Ketchup, mustard and roasted onions. The sausage is hand held, dipped into both the ketchup,mustard, roasted onions and eaten. The bread is eaten alternately, also dipped into the ketchup, mustard and roasted onions.
YESH!!! finally found a pølsevogn!!!!! (sausage wagon)
*two freezing idiots made a mad dash for it*
I must say it has been a wonderful christmas and i can't wait to go back next year. I heard its really beautiful during summer as well....Hopefully, someone will sponser my trip to Sweden next year...
Swedish word : GOD JUL