.....With Tom (obviously) and our Driving instructor :)
Our first Driving lesson!! Woohoo~
We passed our Basic Theory half a year ago and since then moi had been pushing and pushing about getting our practical driving done. Finally, Tom was the one who finally forced moi to sit right in front of our computer with my schedule and arranged for all the driving lessons.
And of all days to start our driving lesson,

Was I nevous?
Yes.Was I having second thoughts?
Do I wanna do this?
My only encounter driving car was zillion years ago with my Ex Boyfriend down in Brisbane when in a spur of a moment (
and probably crazy enough and young), Moi had literally begged him to let me have a turn at the steering wheel.
On a RENTED car too, mind you. Haha. I actually went one round on it, with my EX holding strongly to the steering wheel as well and his face white as a sheet.
Sighz, the sheer look of terror on his face. PRICELESS :)Since then, moi has always been on the passenger seat.
AND I LIKE BEING THERE!!!!!But moi had promise Tom we'll learn driving together.
(me and my big mouth)
Waiting for the minute hand to strike 1pm. Getting a glimspe of all the cars outside

Alright. Time to look for my driving instructor :)
Keeping my fingers crossed that he/she is a nice and patient instuctor

All these cars!!!
Fyi, Im doing the automatic transmission driving license whereas Tom's doing the Manual transmission driving licence. It used to be only Manual transmission Driving licence but since 1 Jan 2005, motorists can take driving tests using automatic cars and qualify to drive automatic cars with a new Class 3A driving licence.
Obvious reason. It's much much easier to pass with automatic transmission!!
The only downside is, with a Class 3A licence, you can't drive any form of manual transmission cars
I'm gonna be driving this!! 

Funny sign
It was not as bad as i thought. I told the driving instuctor that it's my first lesson and i have no prior experience with cars and what so ever (Ermmm, guess it not a good idea to mention about that time in Brisbane?). He told moi not to worry and since it's my first driving lesson, we are just gonna do simple stuff like reverse and drive forward and probably do a feel turns here and there in the circuit. Which doesnt sound THAT BAD.
I must say that the 2hours lesson passed by quickly. And moi had a pleasant time :)
Met up with Tom and compared notes. Turned out he was just in the circuit for an hour before his driving instuctor thought he was good enough to start driving outside on the roads.
Arghhhhhhh...while moi was like just going round and round the circuit!!!!!
Tom told moi many times before that he knew how to drive just that he doesnt have a proper driving licence. AND i always say he was bluffing. Turned out he did like 12driving lessons many years ago before he stopped cos of work committments.
To Tom: Nay, im not jealous. You probably gonna get your driving licence way way ahead of moi. Who knows. Maybe i can just sit and relax in the passenger seat after all :P
After our driving lessons, we enroute to AMK hub for a late lunch. After all that excitment, moi kinda forgotten that it's actually V day. Till i saw the menu on Fish & Co.
...."Love is in the air" The cupids look so adorable and nope, we are not having a baby...YET!

Tom with his New York Fish & Chips

and Moi with my *something something* salmon. Kaay, i forgot what it's called but it's so really delicious lor

And my double shots espresso which i seriously need. 
Unfortunately, it was just lukewarm when they sent it to our table. IT just doesn't do any justice to my favourite ILLY coffee AT ALL. And at S$4, moi was seriously comtemplating sending it back and getting them to fix a new AND HOT PLEASE. But i just didnt wanna bother them when i saw how understaffed they were.
My S$1.20 Ya Kun coffee would have tasted much much better :(
After dinner. We went to watched UNDERWORLD: RISE OF THE LYCANS. It'a a pretty good movie and i can't believe that XXXXX died :(
Hope i didnt "let too much cat out of the bag" for those who havent catch it yet.
But good movie though.
Since we didnt buy each of us any V day gift, we had an ingenious idea of walking around AMK hub and buying something for each other with a S$50 budget. But nothing caught our fancy.
So no V day gift for each other. Hah.
*is this what happened when you become married?"
KIDDING!!!!!! Im the un-romantic one in the relationship