Tom's dad refer to it as the Viking graves, which he claimed many vikings are buried under the stones!
It was bright and sunny when we left the cottage!
Honestly, i don't miss the high rise buildings, the sound of traffic, the air pollution etc..
Here, everything seems so peaceful. Think clear blue sky, endless stretch of meadows, summer breezewe stopped over along the coast where Tom threaten to throw moi over the bridge. He said that the temperature of the water is like below 10degrees!
Brrrr, I hate cold water!!
Tom with the two most important women in his life!Clutzy moi happily slided my hand over the wood railing only to get a splinter stuck into my palm. *sniff sniff*
Tom love to take photos of moi in distress. Moi refuse to be a crybaby.
Its only a splinter!
*ouch*Finally, we reached the foot of the hill where the Ales Stenars is located!
The beautiful scenary as background and the steep climb up to Ales Stenars.One thing for sure! Tom's parents have better stamina than moi!
I was panting like mad when i reached the top...A sighboard at the midpoint climb to Ales Stenar. Something about star constellations at Ales Stenar. Im not into astronomy and stuff, so i skip it..
The view that greet moi when i finally reached the top.
Closer look. They do resemble the UK's Stonehenge. Old stones, i mean.
And nobody knows what the real reason behind these stone formations.
For all you know, the ancients probably goes like "Hmm, we need to build something for no reason at all so that in thousands years time, our decendants are gonna crack their heads to think of answers". Then the ancients will *sniggle sniggle* to themselves.
ALRIGHT, it's just one theory. Jasmine's theory! And the best part? People all over the world is gonna pay good money just to visit all these "Historical" places. Good for tourism, if you know what i mean...
Hmmm, wonder how come no one thought of building a stone formation in lil Singapore?
Enough of my silly theories...
It's so funny, moi was kinda hesitate to step into the Ales Stenars because of what Tom's dad said about it being the Viking's graves.
(Hey! moi dun want to anger the Viking ghosts and have them haunting me in my sleep).
But then i saw these hordes of people just trampling into the inner circle, with some families having picnics and i was like "WTF?!!?"
I'm not wussy.. Hmmph, walked straight in and started snapping photos. You can't really tell from the photos but the cliff is really high and steep!
And so bloody windy! i was so afraid that moi gonna get blown over the cliff.We almost had a heart attack when Tom attempt to jump off the cliff.
It's SO NOT FUNNY, TOM!!! My heart was literally in my mouthWe headed downhill to the smoked fish shop where Tom's dad said i have to try the smoked eel there. It's a family tradition!
Beautiful cactus on our way down. Almost got myself pricked in the face when i lean too close to itThe smoked house!
The arrays of smoked fishes available
Smoked eel....Ewwww, they look so disgusting!
I can't believe i love the Japanese Unagi so much
*faint*Tom's dad bought so much of the smoked fishes cos he wanted moi to try the vast varieties available. And it doesn't come cheap! Amost 600SEK (S$120) of smoked fishes!
Back to the summer cottage.Moi with my smoked meal lunch! It was super duper delicious..
and the smoked eel...Well, it didnt taste half as bad as i though.
In fact, i thought it was good!Tom and his mom
Alrighty....that brings to an end the whole of my Sweden trip!
From Malmo to Copenhangen to Stockholm to Ales Stenars.
I really have a blast and Tom's family are ultra ultra nice!
Stay tuned for my next Sweden trip!