Secondly, Tom and myself just received the keys to our new flat!! woo hoo~
(plus a $350,000 debt!!!!!)
Thirdly, moi typing this blog using the "on screen keyboard" cos my #$!&?%*?!!# keyboard on my lappie went bonkers.
If you dun know or have never use the "on screen keyboard" in your whole life, kindly go to
Try writing a blog on it...and you'll know what i mean...
Super irritated with my lappie now...
Hmpff, Ungrately brat! After spending $350 repairing it like a few months ago...IT BROKE DOWN AGAIN!!! Grrrrrrr
Anyway, pictures of our new place in Punggol... Spent the whole day yestie cleaning up the place. It was super dirty and dusty, thanks to the repair work done in our master bedroom toilet. Apparently, water had been leaking down to the unit below, so they complained about it and blah blah blah.... not gonna dwell too much into it, to end the story short, everything is good as new when we took over the flat.
Our super spacious (and long) living room...

The view outside.

(i seriously hate thoses cabinets!!)

That's all for now....will post more photos next time...
Psst.... karung guni!! old furnitures, old wat-evers, please give to us... All contributions will gladly be accepted!!! Especially an OSIM massage chair, iDesire